Category Archives: Pest Group

Worms Continue to be a Threat on the Eastern Shore

Heavy worm pressure is still being seen across the Eastern Shore. One field of sweet corn was assayed for baythroid resistant corn ear worms after showing 90% damage. This was after one spraying of Coragen followed by six additional treatments of baythroid. The results of the bioassay showed none of the worms were baythroid resistant. Only severe worm pressure would seem to be the cause. Corn ear worm and beet armyworm flights remain high especially in the Birdsnest/Machipongo area. Beet armyworms can also be found frequenting pigweed and lambsquarter around the edges of fields. Young corn on the station has been heavily damaged by fall armyworms and a few adults have appeared in the trap on station possibly presaging another flight of these destructive pests. Additional information: es-insect-trap-counts-7-30-10-8-18-10-xls

A second corn earworm-budworm moth flight and pyrethroid resistance, a perfect storm

As predicted, we are in the midst of a second flurry of corn earworm and tobacco budworm moth activity. Some black light traps are catching even higher numbers than during the first flight. Moths are flushing from peanut, cotton and soybean fields. Each crop is presenting a different scenario in terms of risk to infestation and potential crop damage. I can almost guarantee that peanut and soybean fields will be re-infested with worms, and there is a very good possibility that the infestation will be a mix of both species.

PEANUTS almost never suffer economically from worm feeding, but growers will likely not tolerate the worms and tank mix some insecticide with a planned fungicide application.

SOYBEANS are a different story. This next influx of worms will coincide with pod development and fill. Many fields that have been drought stressed are getting some rain and plants are reflowering which makes them highly attractive to moths. I think pod thresholds will be met or exceeded in many fields and many will need to be re-sprayed. Most of these fields have already been treated, but in my opinion, and in the opinion of other soybean entomologists, no product offers more than about 7 days residual activity so any field treated more than 7 days ago will be completely vulnerable to worms. Another piece of the puzzle is the continued high pyrethroid resistance levels of corn earworm. As of this week, we have tested 1,903 moths and survivorship has climbed back to over 40% (see the attached figure). One sample this week reached 56%. Is this resistance level increasing because many of these moths are from the worms that ‘escaped’ the earlier pyrethroid sprays? Seems logical. The best control will need to incorporate a non-pyrethroid (Larvin, Lannate, Steward, Tracer, Belt). Another tank mix that seems to be working well where ever it is being used (the Delta states, Tennessee, North Carolina) is to add 6 oz of Orthene to a full pyrethroid rate.

COTTON may be the least attractive and least susceptible to this next influx of worms. The hot, dry weather has pushed cotton to cutout with many bolls already too tough to be damaged by worms. Much of the crop will be ready for defoliation within the next 3 weeks or so.
Without some top growth of new tender flowers, squares or small bolls, young worms will not be able to establish. And even if this top growth does become infested, it represents a very small proportion of the total yield, which makes controlling worms (the cost) a tough decision.
Additional information: cew-cypermethrin-19-aug-2010-ppt

Bayer Agrees to Terminate All Uses of Temik insecticide (Aldicarb)

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Bayer CropScience, the manufacturer, have reached an agreement to end use of the pesticide aldicarb in the United States. A new risk assessment conducted by EPA based on recently submitted toxicity data indicates that aldicarb, an N-methyl carbamate insecticide, no longer meets the agency’s rigorous food safety standards and may pose unacceptable dietary risks, especially to infants and young children.

To address the most significant risks, Bayer has agreed first to end aldicarb use on citrus and potatoes and will adopt risk mitigation measures for other uses to protect groundwater resources. New measures to protect shallow drinking water wells in vulnerable areas of the southeastern U.S. coastal plain and lower application rates will be immediately added to product labels for use on cotton, soybeans, and peanuts.

The company will voluntarily phase out production of aldicarb by December 31, 2014. All remaining aldicarb uses will end no later than August 2018. Additionally, EPA plans to revoke the tolerances (legal pesticide residues allowed in food) associated with these commodities. EPA did this to ensure we have the safest food supply possible.

Based upon current toxicological studies, aldicarb at levels higher than those typically found in food has the potential to cause various effects such as sweating, nausea, dizziness and blurred vision, abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Aldicarb is registered for use as a systemic insecticide and nematicide on agricultural crops, and is formulated and marketed solely as a granular pesticide under the trade name Temik. During the phase-out, the pesticide will continue to be registered for use on cotton, dry beans, peanuts, soybeans, sugar beets, and sweet potatoes. Aldicarb products are not intended for sale to homeowners or for use in residential settings. A restricted use pesticide, aldicarb may be applied only by trained, certified pesticide applicators.

The memorandum of agreement and the agency’s updated dietary risk assessment and supporting materials will be available in the aldicarb reregistration docket, EPA-HQ-OPP-2005-0163, and in the aldicarb Special Review docket, EPA-HQ-OPP-2006-0197, at

The U.S. has a safe and abundant food supply, and children and others should continue to eat a variety of foods, as recommended by the federal government and nutritional experts.

More information:

Update on the statewide soybean aphid and brown marmorated stink bug survey

With financial support from the Virginia Soybean Board and federal funding for our state IPM program, our soybean scout Ed Seymore has begun to monitor about 30 soybean fields for soybean aphid and a new invasive pest species, the brown marmorated stink bug. From Aug. 2 to mid-August 2010, surveyed fields in the following counties had little to no soybean aphids: Augusta (0), Albemarle (0), Buckingham (0), Caroline (0), Charles City (0), Clark (0), Culpeper/Fauquier (1-5 aphids/plant), Gloucester (0), Goochland (0), Henrico (0), King and Queen (0), King William (0), Lancaster (0), Mathews (0), Middlesex (0), Orange (6-39 aphids/plant), Rockingham (0), and Shenandoah (0). The economic threshold for soybean aphid is 250 aphids/plant so these low numbers of aphids do not pose any threat at present. Very low numbers (about 1 per 15 sweeps) of brown marmorated stink bugs were detected in two soybean fields in central Culpeper County. Researchers are still trying to determine the extent and nature of brown marmorated stink bug feeding injury to soybean, but it will likely pose a risk if populations become established.

Soybean looper is a potential late-season problem for soybeans

Soybean looper is a common pest of our soybean crop and can be found in small numbers in most fields, most years. But it is very uncommon to have large infestations. The moths have to migrate into Virginia from the south so when we do have big problems, they occur late in the season. Our last bad soybean looper year was 2005. In 2005, they moved into several soybean fields in mid-September. Being unfamiliar with the pest, growers were not looking for them and not sampling fields. In a few cases, fields were totally destroyed with loopers eating all the leaves leaving only leaf veins, stems and stalks (see the attached images, insecticide protected vs. unprotected soybean field). This insect is capable of doing a lot of feeding in a short period of time. This is why I try to correct folks when they call green cloverworms–loopers. Although green cloverworms do ‘loop’ or ‘inch’ when they crawl, they are distinctly different from soybean loopers both in appearance and in the rate they feed. Both are light green with white longitudinal strips down the tops of their backs and sides. The differences are that green cloverworms are of equal girth from head to tail, have 3 pairs of abdominal prolegs, and wiggle vigorously if you put one in the palm of your hand (see the attached images). Loopers tend to be smaller at the head end and fatter towards the tail end, have only 2 pairs of abdominal prolegs, and they don’t thrash around in your hand. And most importantly, loppers eat much more, worm-for-worm, compared with cloverworms.

A pattern that played out in 2005 was that all the fields hit hardest by soybean looper had been previously treated with a pyrethroid. The pyrethroids had reduced the beneficial population so when the invading moths laid their eggs, most survived. Large numbers of soybean looper moths have now been spotted in several fields in North Carolina. Almost all of our soybean fields have been treated with a pyrethroid. We could be set up for a huge problem. Loopers are also fairly hard to control with pyrethroids which provide only about 50% control, at best. Products with pyrethroid/neonicotinoid mixes will not help. Field trials in 2005 showed that only Lannate, Larvin, Steward and Tracer provided acceptable levels of control. Belt and Intrepid could likely be added to that list, but we have not evaluated those.

Bottom line, stay alert to these late season pests and keep a watch on your soybeans, especially any that have been treated with a pyrethroid.
Additional information: looper-vs-gcw-herbert-2010-ppt

Belt insecticide just labeled for use on soybeans and other legume crops

Belt SC (flubendiamide) has just received EPA approval for use in soybean and legume vegetables (including edible-podded and succulent shelled pea and bean, dried shelled pea and bean and foliage of legume vegetables). For controlling worm pests in soybean, the rate will be 2 to 3 oz/acre, 10 gpa minimum by ground, with a 14 day pre-harvest interval. Belt provides a unique mode of action against lepidoteran larvae and will fit well as another non-pyrethroid option (in addition to Steward, Tracer and Larvin) in soybean. We have tested Belt at the 3 oz rate in four soybean field trials since 2008 and found that it works well against corn earworm.

Worm Pressure Increasing on the Eastern Shore

Corn earworm still seems to be the pest to watch right now. Numbers seem to be high to the south of us and increasing on the Shore. Continue to monitor fields for theshold numbers before spraying as worm pressure is heavy in some locations and low in others. Fall army worm pressure on the station seems to be dropping, although some small worms were seen, possibly indicating the beginning of a second generation. Beet army worm flights continue to be high in the traps, but few worms have been seen in the field. Trap numbers seem to be skewed possibly due high thunderstorm activity during the evenings keeping flight counts low. See attached Additional information: es-insect-trap-counts-7-30-10-8-11-10-2-xls

Resistance monitoring of corn earworm moths

Dr. Herbert mentioned in his 29 July 2010 advisory that we are continuing to monitor for pyrethroid resistance in corn earworm. We have now tested over 1,500 moths and are averaging 28% survival in the 5 ug cypermethrin vials (click ‘More’ to see the data). This is now the third consecutive year that local corn earworm populations are demonstrating high levels of pyrethroid resistance. As Dr. Herbert said in his advisory, proceed with caution and consider non-pyrethroids especially in peanut or soybean fields with a lot of worms. Additional information: cew-cypermethrin-2010-pdf