Corn earworm (CEW) update and pyrethroid vial testing results, to date

CEW activity is low compared to this time in previous years. We have not captured many moths in our pheromone traps and even fewer in black light traps. We know that CEW populations are usually low in generally wet years, which is what we are experiencing this year, so the pattern seems to fit. This can change—quickly, depending on weather patterns.

We are initiating our annual field corn survey to document the infestation level, which will help predict the infestation level growers can expect in subsequent crops. Many VCE Ag Agents across much of eastern/central Virginia are cooperating on this survey and we hope to have it completed by the end of July.

The situation with pyrethroid sensitivity is developing quickly. To date we have tested 188 moths with the AVT (adult vial test) pyrethroid challenge with an overall survival rate of about 17%. This is a relatively high level for this early in the season. How will this progress? Time will tell.

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