Belt insecticide just labeled for use on soybeans and other legume crops

Belt SC (flubendiamide) has just received EPA approval for use in soybean and legume vegetables (including edible-podded and succulent shelled pea and bean, dried shelled pea and bean and foliage of legume vegetables). For controlling worm pests in soybean, the rate will be 2 to 3 oz/acre, 10 gpa minimum by ground, with a 14 day pre-harvest interval. Belt provides a unique mode of action against lepidoteran larvae and will fit well as another non-pyrethroid option (in addition to Steward, Tracer and Larvin) in soybean. We have tested Belt at the 3 oz rate in four soybean field trials since 2008 and found that it works well against corn earworm.

Worm Pressure Increasing on the Eastern Shore

Corn earworm still seems to be the pest to watch right now. Numbers seem to be high to the south of us and increasing on the Shore. Continue to monitor fields for theshold numbers before spraying as worm pressure is heavy in some locations and low in others. Fall army worm pressure on the station seems to be dropping, although some small worms were seen, possibly indicating the beginning of a second generation. Beet army worm flights continue to be high in the traps, but few worms have been seen in the field. Trap numbers seem to be skewed possibly due high thunderstorm activity during the evenings keeping flight counts low. See attached Additional information: es-insect-trap-counts-7-30-10-8-11-10-2-xls

Resistance monitoring of corn earworm moths

Dr. Herbert mentioned in his 29 July 2010 advisory that we are continuing to monitor for pyrethroid resistance in corn earworm. We have now tested over 1,500 moths and are averaging 28% survival in the 5 ug cypermethrin vials (click ‘More’ to see the data). This is now the third consecutive year that local corn earworm populations are demonstrating high levels of pyrethroid resistance. As Dr. Herbert said in his advisory, proceed with caution and consider non-pyrethroids especially in peanut or soybean fields with a lot of worms. Additional information: cew-cypermethrin-2010-pdf

Budworm is definitely in the mix

We have confirmed that tobacco budworm is in both soybean and peanut fields. We have attached a table with the percentages of each, corn earworm (CEW)/tobacco budworm (TBW), from 8 fields in Virginia and northeast North Carolina. Note that the IDs were based on the differences in jaw construction in the two species (mandibular identification) which means the jaws of each worm (240 total) had to be dissected and inspected under high magnification. Most collections came from fields that had been recently treated by the grower with either Baythroid XL or Karate Z. We also included the day post treatment that the worms were collected. With the exception of collections from two untreated fields, these worms represent pyrethroid ‘escapes’. Unfortunately, we do not have pre-treatment samples so do not know what the species ratio was prior to application. ‘Escapes’ ranged from 4 to 86% TBW. Were these ‘selected for’ by the pyrethroid sprays, as TBW is known to be harder to kill with pyrethroids? That would be our best guess. In the future, knowing the ratio of CEW/TBW could be critical to achieving good control by guiding the insecticide choice. If TBWs are known to be in the mix, it might tip the scale in favor of using the more effective, but more costly, non-pyrethroids. In soybeans, that means Steward, Larvin, or Tracer. In peanuts, Steward or Tracer. Soon there may be some new options. Our field plot research is showing a lot of promise for Bayer CropScience’s Belt insecticide, Dupont’s Coragen insecticide, and a few others. When will they be available and what will they cost? Good questions.

Additional information: larval-id-2-herbert-malone-2010-doc

Soybean still being harassed by corn earworm

To date, this has been one for the records in terms of corn earworm pressure in soybeans. Many of our fields have been treated, although most are still in the flowering/late flowering stage. We do not have thresholds for flowering beans but know that high numbers of worms can do too much damage by eating all the flowers which can result in delayed maturity. What’s next for these fields? Will earworms recycle to present another threat to podding fields? My guess is, yes, at least some percentage of fields may need to be retreated. The decision to retreat should be made based not on rumor, seeing spray rigs running in the neighbor’s field, or conversations at the diner, but based on knowledge that thresholds have been met. Growers cannot afford to make unnecessary sprays, especially with low yield potential and having already paid for one application. And, if a pyrethroid was used the first time we would strongly recommend that these second applications be non-pyrethroids. If you have treated with Karate, Baythroid, Endigo, Birgade, Bifenthrin, Tombstone, Sniper, Mustang Max, Hero, Proaxis, or Leverage—you have treated with a pyrethroid. In our field trials we are having good success controlling worms with relatively low rates of these non-pyrethroids (e.g., Steward at 4.6 oz and Larvin at 10 oz). But even at these rates, the cost is more than the pyrethroids.

Insect pest activity in soybeans on the Eastern Shore

Many full-season soybean crops on the Eastern Shore of Virginia were sprayed for insect pests this week. In many cases, these sprays were needed as pest numbers of spider mites, corn earworms, green cloverworms and other caterpillar pests were high. In the fields that I insected, I saw a lot of green cloverworm, corn earworm, yellowstriped armyworm, and some beet armyworms. I did not see soybean loopers, which often are hard to kill. Beet armyworms have also shown resistance to pyrethroids in past trials on the Eastern Shore. A number of different insecticides were applied. Some growers sprayed Steward to combat the complex of caterpillars; whereas some others sprayed Orthene and a pyrethroid such as Warrior to combat the mix of pests. Other growers sprayed a generic Lorsban 4E, which provided efficacy against the spider mites as well as the caterpillar pests including beet armyworms. Let’s hope our growers do not have to spray again, as these sprays were applied early in the crop, and we’ve still probably yet to see the major flight of corn earworms that attack the pods.

Eastern Shore insect trap catches for Week ending Aug 6

Click More to receive the insect trap catches for the Eastern shore of Virginia for the week ending August 6. In summary, we are seeing an increase in trap catch of corn earworm and beet armyworm moths at most locations. Green stink bug catch also increased in black light traps. Additional information: es-insect-trap-counts-7-30-10-8-6-10-xls

Corn earworm outbreaks early and heavy in some fields, not in others

Corn earworm has moved into soybean fields across much of Virginia. This is earlier than normal and most are faced with the decision to treat (or nor) flowering stage beans. Infestation levels vary a lot from field to field from almost no worms in lush canopy fields, to drought stressed open canopy fields with as many as 25+ per 15 sweeps. Although we have decent thresholds for foliage feeding and pod feeding, there is little guidance as to the impact of flower feeding by corn earworms. Several years ago researchers in North Carolina (Eckel et al. 1992) concluded that flower feeding contributed to yield reductions by delaying pod set, but no exact thresholds were developed. Without good guidelines as to how many can be tolerated, we are suggesting that low to moderate numbers (6 or less medium plus large worms/15 sweeps) could be safe, especially if beans are growing well with good soil moisture. More than that may represent a threat. Again, just a ‘grab’.
We are also getting a lot of calls from folks finding live worms after pyrethroid sprays, in cotton, peanut and soybean fields. Most are using either Karate Z or Baythroid XL and the ‘misses’ are about equal among the products. The most obvious cases are where there were very high numbers of worms so the survivors are still quite noticeable. We visited one field that had been sprayed 24 hours earlier and found an average of about 4 to 8 worms/15 sweeps. Since it was still not forming pods, I suggested that it not be retreated, yet.
Of course, any field that has been treated will be very susceptible to any subsequent infestations, as beneficial insects would have been mostly eliminated so be sure to begin re-scouting 7 days after the last application. If another treatment is needed, strongly consider a non-pyrethroid.
We are also seeing a mix of worm species including yellow striped armyworms, green cloverworms, and maybe some tobacco budworms. Corn earworm is still the primary species, so I would direct the spray program to those.

Bollworm thresholds in conventional cotton

We are finding threshold levels of bollworms (eggs and live worms) in conventional cotton (no Bollgard2 or Widestrike). Those fields should be managed using the old system (treat at egg threshold and retreat in 5-7 days). The best approach for Bollgard2 and Widestrike cotton is the treat one time 5-7 days after the egg threshold, which targets any escaped worms. Not treating Bollgard2 or Widestrike cotton could be a mistake. For the past 2 years, we have seen as much as 2-3% boll damage in some Bollgard2 varieties, and as much as 10% damage in one Phytogen variety. A single pyrethroid application (highest labeled rate) cleaned up the problem. One cautionary note, we have gotten reports of worms escaping pyrethroid treatments in cotton.