Plant bug in cotton, product choice and restriction on Bidrin use

We are seeing a few more fields than usual with plant bugs and damage. According to Johnny Parker with Commonwealth Gin, the number of fields reaching the threshold is about 3-5 percent, and that is based on his surveying about 100 fields over the past week. Since fields are still in the pre-bloom stage, thresholds are based primarily on square retention: Do not let fields drop below 80%. Plant bug damage is distinct and pretty easy to see. Bugs prefer to feed on the small pinhead terminal squares causing them to turn black and shed. You can find the tiny black squares (hit the ‘More’ button to see the image) or the scar where the square was shed. We do not have a lot of experience doing insecticide trials with plant bugs so I called one of my colleges in a state that deals with a lot of plant bug pressure. He recommends using only the insecticides in the neonicotinoid class (e.g., Admire Pro @ 0.9-1.7 oz, Belay @ 3-4 oz, Centric, @ 1.25-2.0 oz) and that they are effective. For resistance management and fear of flaring secondary pests, they recommend avoiding use of either pyrethroids (e.g., Bifenthrin, Karate, Baythroid) or organophosphates (e.g., Bidrin, Orthene). And, he reminded me that Bidrin CANNOT be used during this pre-bloom period. These are the statements on the labels (Bidrin: Early Season—Emergence to pre-square; Late Season—First bloom to 30 days prior to harvest) (Bidrin XP: Use only after cotton reaches the ‘First Bloom’ stage of growth).
Additional information: tpb-square-damage-herbert-doc

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