We will be hosting the “2010 Late-Season Field Crops Tour” at the Virginia Tech Tidewater Agricultural Research and Extension Center on Tuesday, September 14, 2010. Registration begins at 1:30 pm at the RESEARCH FARM (1045 Hare Road, Suffolk, VA); the tour will start at 2:00 pm. Pre-registration is required for the tour/dinner (please see the attachment for more details on pre-registration procedures and the planned topics). If you are a person with a disability and desire any assistive devices, services or other accommodations to participate in this activity, please contact the Tidewater Agricultural Research and Extension Center at 757-657-6450 (TDD number is 800-828-1120) during business hours of 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. to discuss accommodations five days prior to the event. Additional information: 2010-tour-notice-pdf
Tag Archives: Urgent News
Eastern Shore Insect Pest Activity for Week ending Aug 26
Click More to view the insect trap counts for various locations on the Eastern Shore of Virginia. Current counts as well as those from previous weeks are included. In summary corn earworm moth activity remains high in Eastville and Melf according to pheromone trap catches of approximately 50 moths per week. Beet armyworm moth activity is also peaking especially in Eastville.
Concomitant to this moth activity, we have been experiencing these pest larvae in multiple crops including soybeans, green beans, peppers, and tomatoes. Growers and crop consultants should still carefully monitor crops for these pests even if they have been sprayed previously.
Additional information: es-insect-trap-counts-8-24-10-5-xls
Monday, August 23- A corn earworm alert
A very large movement of corn earworm moths is taking place throughout much of eastern Virginia. I did some driving throughout several counties this past Sunday night and there were so many moths flying it felt like being in a snow flurry. Soybean and peanut fields are at very high risk to re-infestation of worms. Most fields were treated 2 weeks or more ago and are very susceptible to re-infestation. Calls have already started coming in with growers and crop advisors seeing this re-infestation. Here are several observations and recommendations. First, I think this fight is comprised mostly of corn earworm (less possibility of tobacco budworm), and I think they are coming out of our own peanut and soybean fields. Because of this, they may represent survivors from previous sprays so there could be even higher percentages with some level of pyrethroid resistance. My advice is to try to hold off on making applications for at least a 2 or 3 more days. By waiting, the moths will lay more eggs and more small larvae will hatch. Going too early in this flight cycle may mean yet another treatment. Of course, waiting too long will allow worms to begin feeding on pods. Worm must be 3/8 inch long or longer before they can feed on pods, and remember, we base our thresholds on these sizes-not the tiny worms. When you pull the trigger, go with idea that the best kill will be achieved having a non-pyrethroid in the mix. We have gone over those options several times. The newest option added to that list is Belt by Bayer CropScience. Belt is performing very well in our field trials at 3 oz/acre. The label goes from 2-3 oz. The 2 oz rate may be enough but we have not tested it. Belt is also showing some indication that it is providing good residual activity. Consero is also new and could present another good tank mix option. Consero is a co-pack of spinosad and gamma-cyhalothrin and is labeled at 2-3 oz/acre. Other non-pyrethroid standards are Larvin, Steward, Tracer and Orthene (which should only be used if tank-mixed with a pyrethroid).
Bayer Agrees to Terminate All Uses of Temik insecticide (Aldicarb)
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Bayer CropScience, the manufacturer, have reached an agreement to end use of the pesticide aldicarb in the United States. A new risk assessment conducted by EPA based on recently submitted toxicity data indicates that aldicarb, an N-methyl carbamate insecticide, no longer meets the agency’s rigorous food safety standards and may pose unacceptable dietary risks, especially to infants and young children.
To address the most significant risks, Bayer has agreed first to end aldicarb use on citrus and potatoes and will adopt risk mitigation measures for other uses to protect groundwater resources. New measures to protect shallow drinking water wells in vulnerable areas of the southeastern U.S. coastal plain and lower application rates will be immediately added to product labels for use on cotton, soybeans, and peanuts.
The company will voluntarily phase out production of aldicarb by December 31, 2014. All remaining aldicarb uses will end no later than August 2018. Additionally, EPA plans to revoke the tolerances (legal pesticide residues allowed in food) associated with these commodities. EPA did this to ensure we have the safest food supply possible.
Based upon current toxicological studies, aldicarb at levels higher than those typically found in food has the potential to cause various effects such as sweating, nausea, dizziness and blurred vision, abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea.
Aldicarb is registered for use as a systemic insecticide and nematicide on agricultural crops, and is formulated and marketed solely as a granular pesticide under the trade name Temik. During the phase-out, the pesticide will continue to be registered for use on cotton, dry beans, peanuts, soybeans, sugar beets, and sweet potatoes. Aldicarb products are not intended for sale to homeowners or for use in residential settings. A restricted use pesticide, aldicarb may be applied only by trained, certified pesticide applicators.
The memorandum of agreement and the agency’s updated dietary risk assessment and supporting materials will be available in the aldicarb reregistration docket, EPA-HQ-OPP-2005-0163, and in the aldicarb Special Review docket, EPA-HQ-OPP-2006-0197, at regulations.gov.
The U.S. has a safe and abundant food supply, and children and others should continue to eat a variety of foods, as recommended by the federal government and nutritional experts.
More information: http://www.epa.gov/oppsrrd1/REDs/factsheets/aldicarb_fs.html
Belt insecticide just labeled for use on soybeans and other legume crops
Belt SC (flubendiamide) has just received EPA approval for use in soybean and legume vegetables (including edible-podded and succulent shelled pea and bean, dried shelled pea and bean and foliage of legume vegetables). For controlling worm pests in soybean, the rate will be 2 to 3 oz/acre, 10 gpa minimum by ground, with a 14 day pre-harvest interval. Belt provides a unique mode of action against lepidoteran larvae and will fit well as another non-pyrethroid option (in addition to Steward, Tracer and Larvin) in soybean. We have tested Belt at the 3 oz rate in four soybean field trials since 2008 and found that it works well against corn earworm.
Eastern Shore insect trap catches for Week ending Aug 6
Click More to receive the insect trap catches for the Eastern shore of Virginia for the week ending August 6. In summary, we are seeing an increase in trap catch of corn earworm and beet armyworm moths at most locations. Green stink bug catch also increased in black light traps. Additional information: es-insect-trap-counts-7-30-10-8-6-10-xls
Reminder to visit the Virginia Ag Pest Advisory (http://www.sripmc.org/Virginia/) for important updates on the corn earworm survey, resistance monitoring, and insect activity
This is an update concerning the automatically generated email that notifies people of new posts to the Virginia Ag Pest Advisory. Although our “Friday morning” email did not work on July 30, 2010, it seems that our “Emergency Notification” option is working. We wish to thank Dr. Yulu Xia for his generous assistance working through this glitch. Remember, all advisories are available anytime at http://www.sripmc.org/Virginia/ (you may have to search the archives at the bottom of the website). Please see Dr. Herbert’s posts about the results of the corn earworm survey and resistance monitoring, and also Dr. Kuhar and my posts concerning insect activity this week. Thank you.
New insecticide option for slug control on corn and soybeans – Lannate LV
In wet years, SLugs can be a serious pest problem on corn and soybeans. It has been many years since there has been any new pesticide registered for their control. Dupont recently announced the new registration of Lannate LV FOR USE ON FIELD CORN AND SOYBEANS FOR THE CONTROL OF SLUGS IN certain states in the U.S. The special label is attached. Click More News. Additional information: lannate-lv-corn-soy-dr1113-pdf
Virginia Potato Disease Advisory
Please find the lastest Virginia Potato Disease Advisory attached. Additional information: vpdajune32010-doc
Late Blight Found in Maryland
I have just received a preliminary report of confirmed late blight infecting tomato plants in St. Mary’s County, Maryland. It is possible that plants from this greenhouse were planted in Charles County, Maryland. These two counties are in close proximity to Virginia and our growers near these locations (Eastern Shore, Northern Neck, Northern Virginia) should be proactive in making fungicide applications that target late blight on both potato and tomato. Fortunately, our prevailing weather conditions across the eastern part of the Commonwealth have been nonconducive for late blight development. As more details develop we will be able to more specifically give you recommendations. We will be sure to keep you up to date. Please pass this information along as you see fit.