I have just received a preliminary report of confirmed late blight infecting tomato plants in St. Mary’s County, Maryland. It is possible that plants from this greenhouse were planted in Charles County, Maryland. These two counties are in close proximity to Virginia and our growers near these locations (Eastern Shore, Northern Neck, Northern Virginia) should be proactive in making fungicide applications that target late blight on both potato and tomato. Fortunately, our prevailing weather conditions across the eastern part of the Commonwealth have been nonconducive for late blight development. As more details develop we will be able to more specifically give you recommendations. We will be sure to keep you up to date.
Tag Archives: Urgent News
Insect Trap Counts for the Eastern Shore for Week ending Sept 18, the season finale
Folks, this is the final insect pest trap data for 2009 for the Eastern Shore. We’ve pulled up all of the blacklight and pheromone traps.
In general, there is still a little bit of moth activity of corn earworm and beet armyworm, and fall armyworm has increased on the Shore. Blacklight trap counts for this week were as follows: David Long (Cape Charles) = 25 corn earworm, 7 beet armyworm, 4 fall armyworm, 4 green stink bug. Blacklight trap – Mark Colson (Eastville) = 14 corn earworm, 10 beet armyworm, 13 Fall armyworm; 0 green stink bugs, 1 brown stink bugs. Blacklight trap Painter = 8 corn earworm moths, 8 beet armyworm, 3 fall armyworm, 16 green stink bugs, 0 brown stink bugs. ******************************************Corn earworm Pheromone Traps (weekly catch): Keller = 8; Tasley = 0; Modesttown = 1 ; New Church = 3; Horntown = 2; Eastville = 25; Machipongo = 9 ; Painter = 3; Guilford = 0. Beet armyworm Pheromone traps (weekly catch): Modestown = 0; New Church = 1; Horntown = 12; Machipongo = 53 (increase); Painter = 1. Fall armyworm pheromone traps (weekly catch): Painter: 75(big increase); Newman – Eastville: 29 (increase); Hortntown: 28 (increase). ****************************************************************************************Summary, corn earworm and beet armyworm moths are still flying on the Eastern Shore, and are likely still depositing eggs on whatever green plants they can find. Late planted beans, fruiting vegetables and cole crops are prime host crops this time of year for both species. We’ve also observed an increase in fall armyworm moths at every location on the Eastern Shore. This pest can attack a wide range of vegetable host plants as well, and can even be a pest of turf.
Eastern Shore AREC Field Day Cancelled
This message is being sent on behalf of Dr. Steven Rideout: Due to several scheduling conflicts and excessive rainfall last week the Fall Field Day at the Eastern Shore AREC in Painter, VA scheduled for Wednesday, Sept. 23rd at 9:00 AM has been canceled. Sorry for any inconveniences this may have caused.
Insect Trap Counts for the Eastern Shore for Week ending Sept 4
Insect Trap Counts for Eastern Shore – Week ending Sept 4.
In general, catches of 7 or more moths per week indicate an activity alert for scouting for that pest.
The Blacklight trap counts for this week were as follows: David Long (Cape
Charles) = 33 corn earworm (down from last week), 8 beet armyworm (small rise), 1 fall armyworm (low), 1 brown stink bug, 1 green stink bug (very low).
Blacklight trap – Mark Colson (Eastville) = 46 corn earworm (same as last week), 0 beet armyworm (drop), 0 Fall armyworn (low); 8 green stink bugs, 4 brown stink bugs (drop). Blacklight trap Painter = 15 corn earworm moths (drop), 31 green stink bugs (still active), 5 brown stink bugs (low).
******************************************Corn earworm Pheromone Traps (weekly
catch): Keller = 0; Tasley = 2 (drop); Modesttown = 27 (moderate); New Church = 1; Horntown = 16 (moderate); Eastville = 19 (big drop); Machipongo =
24 (drop); Painter = 22 (drop); Guilford = 2(low). Beet armyworm Pheromone traps (weekly catch): Modestown = 3; New Church = 2; Horntown = 2; Machipongo =
162 (remaining high); Painter = 14 (drop). Fall armyworm pheromone traps (weekly
catch): Painter: 23 (rise); Newman – Eastville: 3; Hortntown: 0 (low everywhere) ****************************************************************************************Summary,
corn earworm moth activity appears to be finally dropping off on the Eastern Shore. The moths are on the decline in Northampton County and lower Accomack. However, larval activity in tomatoes, cotton, soybeans, green beans, and lima beans is probably quite active if insecticide sprays were not applied over the past couple weeks – during the heavy flights. Beet armyworm remains quite active in the Machipongo location, but still, very few moths appear to be found outside that area on the Shore.
Stink bug catch appears to have dropped off.
Sybean loopers were detected in soybeans in Northampton County. These caterpillars can cause a lot of late-season defoliation, and are sometimes difficult to kill. Some years, there is pyrethroid resistance problems with that insect pest species.
In addition, soybean aphids can still be found on some soybeans on the Eastern Shore, particularly in Accomack County. These insects should probably not be the driving force behind spraying your soybeans. Targeting corn earworms after egg hatch and before pods harden is critical to maximizing yield loss from insects.
Cucurbit Downy Mildew found in Virginia
Cucurbit downy mildew has been found in Virginia, see the attached reprt for more information. Additional information: cdownymildewupdate062009-doc
Virginia Potato Disease Advisory – June 19
Attached is the Virginia Potato Disease Advisory for this week. Additional information: vpdajune17-doc
Virginia Potato Disease Advisory for June 10
Attached is the lastest update on late blight and the latest Virginia Potato Disease Advisory. Additional information: vpdajune10-doc
Potato Late Blight Found on Eastern Shore
Potato late blight was found infecting a 30 acre potato field on the Eastern Shore today. The field is located just north of the state line near Pocomoke City, Maryland. Potato and tomato growers on the Eastern Shore are advised to include late blight specific fungicides in their spray regimes. If you suspect late blight in your crop or have any questions, please contact us.
Cucurbit Downy Mildew Found in North Carolina
Please see the attachment regarding the discovery of cucurbit downy mildew in North Carolina. Thanks Additional information: cdownymildewupdate060509-doc
Latest Virginia Potato Disease Advisory
Attached is the latest Virginia Potato Disease Advisory. Additional information: vpdamay27-doc