Women, it’s time to take charge of your finances!

Women, how prepared do you feel in making wise financial decisions?  According to the 2012-2013 Prudential Research Study on financial experience and behaviors among women, only 22% of women felt “very well prepared” to make wise financial decisions (compared to 37% of men).

images (1)Fortunately, you don’t have to be one of these women.  Virginia Cooperative Extension, in partnership with Arlington Public Libraries, will be holding a five-week course called Money Talk: A Financial Course for Women, at Arlington Central Library, starting Wednesday, July 10.  This course will show you how to plan now for long-term financial security.  Lessons cover the following topics:

July 10: Financial Basics
July 17: Are You Covered? Insurance Basics
July 23: Investing Basics
July 31: Investing for Retirement
August 7: Planning for Future Life Events

One past participant raved “It was a great course! I learned so much that I would never have otherwise. It’s a course that I feel like should be a part of everyone’s required education.”  Since 2006, Money Talk participants have saved over a combined $300,000 for their future.

The course is free, but the optional accompanying textbook is $25.

So are you ready to arm yourself for your financial future?  Complete the registration form here: http://offices.ext.vt.edu/arlington/news/money-talks-info/money-talk-2013-flyer.pdf  and send to Jennifer Abel at jabel@vt.edu, or call 703-228-6417 for more information.



2 thoughts on “Women, it’s time to take charge of your finances!

  1. Eva Griffeth

    This looks like a fantastic opportunity to learn more about financial things. Unfortunately, I will be on vacation for two of the five sessions.

    Are you planning on repeating this short course? I certainly hope so.

    1. wpeichel Post author

      We do indeed repeat this course. It’s offered every January and July; we’ll try to let you know when we’ve opened registration for the January course. Thanks for your interest!


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