Summer 4-H Intern and Pizza Garden Ready to Go!


Well, I would just like to start by introducing myself as the future weekly blogger for the summer. My name is Monte McCarthy and I am rising junior studying Environmental Economics in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Virginia Tech, and currently interning with the Alexandria extension agency under a Mr. Reginald Morris. Hopefully my blog posts will encapsulate our weekly goals and accomplishments and keep our readers in the loop for the summer!


My first day (May 19) I sat in on the bi-monthly ELC board meeting to debrief of the nova agent’s recent activities, and helped put together a green house in preparation for some 4-H kids. The end goal for these kids will be to use and grow their own pizza ingredients. These plants will include tomatoes, peppers, oregano, and basil, and eventually be used to have a pizza party at the end of the season. Not that we’re pizza masters, but I’m sure the finished product will be one of the better pizza pies the kids will have!


All in all it was a welcoming inauguration as we continue to set up for the approaching wicked-fun summer camp in Front Royal.


Enjoy Dark Leafy Greens

May is the time to buy fresh leafy greens at your local farmers’ market or grocery store in Virginia. Kale, spinach, collard greens, Swiss chard and many more; leafy greens are packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber and phytochemicals. If you have a spare spot of earth, consider growing your own, too.

The recent Master Food Volunteer cohort enjoyed making and eating a fresh kale salad. Kale is high is vitamins A, K and C, and provides potassium and calcium as well. Try this recipe for a tasty way to incorporate this powerhouse vegetable into your diet.

MFV logo

Kale Salad with Citrus Vinaigrette

Serves about 6, 1 cup per serving Ÿ Prep time: 20 minutes Ÿ Cook time: 0 minutes


2 bunches kale (12-14 ounces)

For Dressing:

2 teaspoons green onions

½ teaspoon salt

1/8 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

2 Tablespoons fresh lemon juice

2 Tablespoons, fresh orange juice

2 teaspoons pure maple syrup

6 Tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil



  1. Wash and dry the kale leaves. Strip leaves from stems. Finely shred leaves with a sharp knife. Place in a serving bowl.
  2. To prepare the dressing, mince green onions. Put all the ingredients in a glass jar with a lid, and shake until emulsified.
  3. Add enough dressing to coat the kale lightly. Massage the dressing into the kale leaves with clean hands to soften the leaves.
  4. Add your favorite salad fixings.
  5. Can be made a day or even two ahead.


  • Use Tuscan, lacinato or dinosaur kale
  • Optional add-ins: toasted pine nuts or sunflower seeds, pomegranate seeds, dried cranberries, crumbled feta, chopped avocado, cooked quinoa.


Newly Minted Master Food Volunteers Graduate

During March some 26 trainees gathered each Friday at Fairlington Community Center in Arlington to become Master Food Volunteers (MFV). Participants were treated to a variety of seminars given by a number of Family and Consumer Sciences Agents, with some travelling from as far as Roanoke and Blacksburg, to share their knowledge.  Katie Strong from Arlington and Nancy Stegon from Prince William County led the course, which covered wide-ranging topics including nutrition, physical activity, safe food preparation, shopping on a budget and food allergies.

Cooking lunch was one of the group’s favorite activities each week. Trainees learned how to make nutritious meals, with an emphasis on using whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Instructors guided them on how to follow hygiene and food safety guidelines, right down to the correct way to wash dishes.  Qualified volunteers provided much welcomed assistance during the four weeks of the course.

The trainees were a diverse group, although most seemed to share a strong predilection for quinoa.  After all passing a test and the training hours requirement, the graduates are all set to provide at least thirty volunteer hours over the next year. They will assist with different activities around the region, such as nutrition education, cooking demonstrations and farmers’ market displays.

If you are interested in becoming a MFV, the next training course will take place in Fairfax, starting on October 3, 2014.  See this link for more details



It’s National Volunteer Week! THANK YOU! And How to Get Involved…

This week we celebrate National Volunteer Week.
It is time to say THANK YOU to all our volunteers.
Cooperative Extension relies on volunteers, and we believe that active citizen involvement in our programs ensures success.  The work of volunteers at state and local levels helps leverage our paid faculty and staff resources into a much greater impact and benefit for the people of Virginia.

For Extension Volunteer Stories see

Get Involved
There are many ways you can get involved as a volunteer with Cooperative Extension to bring your talents and skills to benefit the community.  Some of them are listed below. If you are interested in volunteering, but not sure in what way, contact our offices: Arlington 703 228 6400 and Alexandria 703 746 5546.  Staff will be happy to help you find a way to share your time and talents.

Here’s how to get involved volunteering locally with Cooperative Extension programs:

Arlington and Alexandria Extension Leadership Council (ELC)
The Arlington and Alexandria Extension Leadership Council is composed of interested residents, Cooperative Extension staff, and county and city liaisons who identify community issues and help ensure programs are responsive to real needs. Also, the ELC advocates in support of local programs and staff, and promotes greater awareness of the work of the Extension staff and volunteers.  The ELC meets every two months. If you are interested in joining, please contact the Arlington or Alexandria Extension Office and come to an ELC meeting. ELC 2014 Brochure

.4-H Youth Development
4-H stands for head, heart, hands and health.

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Every 4-H program benefits from this integrated approach to civic engagement and hands-on learning – and the dedication and service of caring volunteers.  If you are interested in contributing your time to help further the development of youth in our community, please contact Reggie Morris, 4-H agent for Alexandria or Emily Reiersgaard, 4-H agent for Arlington,

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Master Gardeners
Master Gardeners encourage and promote environmentally sound horticultural practices through sustainable landscape management education and training.
Kirsten picking greens

Here serving Arlington and Alexandria we have the Master Gardeners of Northern Virginia.  Master Gardeners training will be offered in the fall. For details contact: Agriculture and Natural Resources agent, Kirsten Buhls or Arlington’s Interim Master Gardener Coordinator, Jocelyn Yee

Arlington Regional Master Naturalists
The Arlington Regional Master Naturalist program is part of a statewide corps of volunteers providing education, outreach, and service dedicated to the beneficial management of natural resources and natural areas within their communities. If you’re interested in becoming an Arlington Regional Master Naturalist, go to


Master Food Volunteers
Master Food Volunteers help support Extension’s family and consumer sciences (FCS) agents through education and outreach programs related to food preparation, nutrition, food safety, and physical activity. Contact FCS agent Katie Strong for information about programs and trainings in the Arlington and Fairfax area.


Arlington Energy Masters
Arlington’s  innovative Energy Masters program promotes a more energy efficient and sustainable Arlington community. We engage professionally trained volunteers in retrofitting, weatherization, and water conservation techniques serving low-income apartment residents. If you are interested in applying for the 2014-2015 program later this summer, please complete the volunteer interest form.


Master Financial  Educators
Financial volunteers receive a comprehensive training on budgeting, retirement planning, home buying, and many other finance topics, instruction in counseling techniques. Volunteers can choose to help individuals or community groups with financial education programs – including learning to reconcile debts, set goals, budget spending, and organization to improve money management skills. Please contact Jennifer Abel for details of the next training.


Volunteering Counts!
Here is how volunteering counts in Arlington and Alexandria.
In 2012: the Arlington and Alexandria staff and volunteers of Virginia Cooperative Extension reached over 50,000 people with 650+ education programs.  850+ active volunteers contributed over 32, 000 hours. That outreach was conducted with a local office staff of about a dozen people. That’s the power of volunteers!

Interested in volunteering statewide or at national level for Virginia Cooperative Extension? See:




Considering Your Retirement Finances? Join Us for Savvy Social Security Planning on April 23

Please join us for a Savvy Social Security Planning workshop on
Wednesday, April 23, 6:30-8:30 PM

At Arlington Central Library 2nd Floor Meeting Room
1015 N Quincy St., Arlington

Certified Financial Planner and Virginia Cooperative Extension volunteer Mike May will give a free workshop on social security considerations for your retirement planning.

In this workshop you will learn:

• 5 factors to consider when deciding to apply for benefits

• When it makes sense to delay benefits—and when it does not

• Why you should always check your earnings record for accuracy

• How to estimate your benefits

• Two innovative strategies for coordinating benefits with your spouse

• How to minimize taxes on Social Security benefits

• How to coordinate Social Security with your other forms of retirement income

Pre-registration not required, but does help us know how many copies of handouts to bring. To register or for more information contact

Event sponsored by Virginia Cooperative Extension and Arlington County Libraries.

Plant NOVA Natives! Why are native plants important? How do I select native plants? Where can I buy native plants?

Marketing Native Plants – a statewide campaign
“Plant NoVA Natives is a new campaign that brings together the Northern Virginia Regional Commission, local chapters of the Virginia Native Plant Society, nurseries, and other groups, creating a website, guidebook, workshop series and plant tags to be used in local garden stores.”

The Plant NoVA Natives campaign aims to get the word out more consistently on the benefits of native plants and also will help you identify them.
Watch out for their trumpet honeysuckle and sphinx moth logo on plant tags in the marketplace!


The goals of the plant NoVA Natives campaign are:

  • to raise awareness on the issues surrounding native plants
  • to establish a social norm to increase the use of native plants

Native plants and habitats in our Chesapeake area

  • sustain biodiversity
  • provide habitat for wildlife including pollinators
  • help achieve Chesapeake stormwater goals

For information on VA native plants
And the previous blog:

The March 27, Plant NoVA Natives campaign event at Fairlington Community Center was well- attended by over seventy people, many of whom are Master Gardeners, Master Naturalists, and members of Audubon, Virginia Native Plant Society and other conservation groups. 

The Plant NoVA Natives campaign was introduced by Corey Miles (Planner at Northern Virginia Regional Commission), followed by excellent presentations by Jim McGlone (Urban Forest Conservationist, VA Dept of Forestry), Alan Ford (Potowmack Chapter President, Virginia Native Plant Society), and Judy Fraser (Program Developer, George Mason University Sustainability Institute).

Margaret Hawkins gave an overview of the Master Gardeners of Northern Virginia  (MGNV) Sustainable Landscapes program and team led by Carol Rosen and Kirsten Buhls (Agriculture and Natural Resources Agent, Virginia Cooperative Extension, Arlington office).

Landscape for Life: Making Your Yard Sustainable
In 2013 and 2014, Master Gardeners of Northern Virginia (MGNV) hosted Making Your Yard Sustainable 6-week workshops based on the national US Botanic Garden’s  Landscape for Life program.  Over 50 home and condo owners in Arlington and Alexandria have participated in these MGNV workshops that teach the principles of sustainable landscape design and how to use native plantings.  These are participants main questions:

  • What are the native plants that grow well here in our suburban and urban environment?
  • What native plants go well together?
  • Where can I buy native plants?

Tried and True – Native Plant Factsheets
In response to residents asking for more information on native plants, Master Gardeners of Northern Virginia have now assembled over 100 factsheets of Tried and True natives that thrive in this area.  Find the Tried and True online
The factsheets also list where the native plants can be found in the Arlington County and Alexandria City Demonstration Gardens.

Best Bets  Native Plant selections and groupings
In response to further demand from residents, MGNV are producing Best Bets factsheets that show how to select and group native plants to thrive in different conditions such as shade, sun, wet or dry.

Demonstration Gardens in Arlington and Alexandria
Master Gardeners of Northern Virginia maintain several demonstration gardens in Arlington and Alexandria. These demonstration gardens are in the process of being labeled using QR Codes linked to the Tried and True and Best Bet factsheets. The QR Code labeling is a work in progress.  Check back frequently as you visit these gardens over the next year or two to get inspiration for your own garden or another community or school garden.

Where can I buy Native Plants this Spring 2014?
Here’s a selection of upcoming plant sales and nurseries to in our local area:

April 10 – 12, check various times and location online,  River Farm
American Horticultural Society Plant Sale

Saturday, April 26, 1- 5 PM
Native Plant sale at Arlington County’s Long Branch Nature Center
order and buy yours online by April 4 – for pick up on the day…

Saturday, April 26, 9 AM to 2 PM
Park Fairfax Native Plant Spring Sale
3601 Valley Drive
Alexandria, Virginia 22302

Sunday, May 4, 10 AM TO 2 PM
Earth Sangha – local ecotype plant nursery
Spring Open House and Plant Sale

Saturday, May 17, 9 AM – 3 PM
Green Spring Gardens Spring Garden Day
The Big Plant Sale
Don’t miss this exciting annual event with over 40 vendors
Master Gardeners will have stall there…

Nurseries and Plant Shops
The Green Spring Garden Gate Plant Shop
Opens regularly beginning April 5:
Monday-Saturday, 9 AM -4 PM
Sunday, noon – 4 PM

Nature by Design

Herring Run Nursery
If you’re near Baltimore, Herring Run Nursery stocks Chesapeake-area hard to find shrubs, vines and trees as well as perennials

Additional Native Plant Sale Listings for Spring 2014:

You create the market for natives!
Ask for native plants at your local nurseries and other suppliers.
We have plenty of large and small nurseries in the area and all stock some natives.
Remember to thank nurseries for stocking their ever-expanding selection of native plants.
By asking for native plants at the nurseries you will help influence the market for them – and retailers will sell more native plant, and growers will be able to grow more of them.
The market will shift. Plant the seed now, grow and ask for natives! 

Plant NoVA Natives! They are naturally beautiful!


The Flora of Virginia – What Are Our Native Plants?

This week native plants and flowers are the theme of two excellent programs hosted at the Fairlington Community Center.

The Flora of Virginia Project
Our first program is a workshop presented by Professor Marion Lobstein as Continuing Education/Advanced Training for Master Gardeners and Master Naturalists on the theme of The Flora of Virginia – the native flowering plants of Virginia.

As if I am in undergrad Botany Class, I listen and take notes as Marion Lobstein, Professor Emeritus at Northern Virginia Community College and Vice President of the Foundation of The Flora of Virginia Project sets the stage for her presentation of the latest research and recording of the wealth of flowering plants currently native or naturalized in Virginia.

First question: What is a “native plant”?
A “native plant” can be defined in several different ways.  It is a fuzzy and messy definition. Generally a “native plant” in Virginia is defined as being a plant that was here in the “New World” prior to Columbus’s arrival.  But before Columbus arrived native americans and wildlife moved around the land changing their habitat, and so inevitably did seeds and plants. These native plants co-evolved with other species, as other factors such as climate and geology also played their parts. So there is no static compilation of what comprised the “native plant” flora prior to Columbus. “Naturalized” plants are plants that come from other places that thrive being part of our local plant community, this is as opposed to “exotic invasive plants” that threaten to “takeover” or reduce a community’s  biodiversity

Marion continues “Did you all know: Virginia has the greatest diversity of native flowering plants compared to its size in the 50 US states?”  No, I had no idea.  But why does Virginia have so many kinds of native plants compared to other states?  Virginia has a very diverse geology and was situated at the intersection of glacial retreats and flows. Virginia is now the “mixing bowl” of “northern” and “southern” types of plant species with over 3200+ species in 198 families. Marion then shares the highlights of her research team and colleagues.  Their work and scholarship during the 11-year Flora of Virginia Project has recently culminated in the published handbook The Flora of Virginia. No wonder this comprehensive Flora of Virginia book weighs in at over three pounds!

Joanne Hutton introduces Professor Marion Lobstein

Marion challenges us, “But how to use this enormous book?”  I thumb through an introduction to plant classification and sections on the geology and ecology of Virginia.  There’s a history of plant discoverers.  And an appealing section for the armchair tourist or the active plant seeker on the hotspots for Virginia flora: the 50 best spots for field botany. Marion tells us about recent taxonomic or classification changes reflected in the book, that have been brought about by research on DNA genetic analysis.  For example, milkweeds are now classified with dogbanes and both families have partially-fused ovaries. We laugh.  And I learn that the native wild ginger is a very ancient plant.  Our native magnolias are also ancient flowering plants on the evolutionary path in the fossil record and do not quite fit the “monocot or dicot” dichotomy of later flowering plants. 

Then we learn the skills to use the Flora of Virginia to “key out” and identify native and naturalized plants. We “key out” Queen Anne’s Lace and Daffodils (both naturalized wild flowers in parts of Virginia).

Looking up Daffodil in the Flora of Virginia

I leave the workshop grateful to Marion for bringing the Flora to life with enthusiasm and humor  – and appreciative of the diversity of Virginia’s native and naturalized flowering plants.

Flora of Virginia exhibition at the Library of Virginia in Richmond
If you are interested in finding out more about Virginia’s rich floral heritage, the stories of early exploration and discovery and recent science, make time this spring or summer for a trip to visit the The Flora of Virginia exhibition at the Library of Virginia in Richmond.  The exhibition is on now through September 13 and

Digital Atlas of Native Virginia Plants
To identify native and naturalized plants in your locality check out the online digital atlas of VA

The Flora of Virginia – the book
You can buy the book of  The Flora of Virginia at Amazon or elsewhere for $80+ or ask for it at your local library.

Next blog
I will continue with the evening’s discussion on the importance of native plants,  and FAQs “How can I select native plants?” and “Where can I buy native plants?”

Spring Break? Register now for the Virginia Urban Agriculture Summit

If you’re interested in conversations about urban agriculture, and would like to meet growers, sellers, consumers, health professionals, planners and others investing in growing your food closer to your city: consider registering for the mid-April Virginia Urban Agriculture Summit:

Register Now for the
Virginia Urban Agriculture Summit, Nourishing Our Cities’ Future
in Lynchburg, Virginia
on Tuesday April 15 & Wednesday April 16, 2014

For agenda, registration and lodging info go to

Highlights  of the Urban Ag Summit will include:

  • First Lady Dorothy McAuliffe to give keynote
  • Screening of Dan Susman’s documentary film Growing Cities-A Film About Urban Farming in America for early birds on the evening of Monday April, 14, 2014
  • Tour of Lynchburg Grows

For further background on the Virginia Urban Agriculture Summit check out Virginia Tech’s News:

And on the note of celebrating Agriculture  – rural and urban – March 25th is National Agriculture Day:
“On this National Agriculture Day, we thank the farmers, ranchers, and others at the heart of American agriculture, an industry that provides for our food and fiber needs, supports one in twelve jobs, and drives our nation’s economy.”

~ Secretary Tom Vilsack
Read his full statement:


19 April – join us for a Family FUN RUN, WALK or JOG at the beautiful NOVA 4-H Center and benefit 4-H Camp Scholarships!

Feeling like a spring day out and a fun run, walk or jog in a beautiful setting in the foothills of the Shenadoah near Front Royal?


Bring the whole family out to the NOVA 4-H Center on Saturday April 19th morning and run, walk or jog to raise money for your County’s 4-H Camp Scholarships.

On Saturday, April 19th, at 9:00 AM, the NOVA 4-H Center will be hosting a kids 1 mile fun run, a 4-K (about 2.4 miles) and a 4-mile run/walk, to raise money for 4-H Camp scholarships. Every cent raised by your county will go to your county!

Click here: if you would like to register on-line

T-shirts and medals for the first 75 folks to register and treats for all at the finish line.

As an added bonus, the NOVA 4-H Center will match the amount raised by the County who raises the most money, up to the cost of one full scholarship.

Look forward to seeing you on the day, bring your shoes and dress for the weather. You might also take time to visit the extensive grounds of the NOVA 4-H Center and hike up to the Appalachian Trail!
Any questions?  Please contact the NOVA 4-H Center
or call 540 635 7171


Have You Seen This Bug? Look Out for Kudzu Bugs and Report Sightings

Cooperative Extension in Arlington is participating in a statewide survey to determine the presence of Kudzu Bugs in Northern Virginia.  Traps will be installed in suitable garden sites to try to detect their presence. If you see this insect at your home or elsewhere please report it to the Arlington Virginia Cooperative Extension Horticulture Help Desk at 703 228 6414 or email to  And if you have further questions, please contact Kirsten Buhls, Arlington’s Agriculture and Natural Resources agent,, 703 228 6423.

Glencarlyn Library Demonstration Garden in Arlington is part of statewide research being conducted by Virginia Tech that seeks to track the spread of the invasive Kudzu Bug into Northern Virginia.  For the next 6-8 weeks VCE Master Gardeners will be checking a white bug trap in the library garden to see if we find this bug here in Arlington.


Click on the link for full identification details of the Kudzu Bug and see photos.


Oblong, olive green adult Megacopta cribraria aka the Kudzu Bug are 4 to 6 mm long   Photo

Kudzu Bug Distribution in Virginia Aug 9 2013                             

Background to Kudzu Bugs
In October 2009, large aggregations of Kudzu Bug (Megacopta cribraria (F.); Heteroptera: Plataspidae), also known as bean plataspid, lablab bug, or globular stink bug, were discovered on the exterior of houses in nine northeast Georgia counties.


Also see these two 3-minute videos about Kudzu Bugs in Spanish
or in English

By 2010,  Kudzu Bug was confirmed in more than 60 Georgia counties.  This insect that is native to Asia feeds on kudzu, wisteria, and other members of the bean family.  It has become a serious pest of soybean crop fields as far north as 21 counties in Virginia and 3 southern Maryland counties.

Megacopta cribraria is related to the brown marmorated stink bug.  Adult Kudzu Bugs are 4 to 6 mm long, oblong, olive-green colored with brown speckles, and produce a mildly offensive odor when disturbed.
In its native Asia, one of M. cribraria’s preferred hosts is kudzu, an invasive vine introduced into the U.S. more than 100 years ago.  While the good news is that the invasive vine Kudzu appears to be a primary host in North America, M. cribraria is expected to spread into most areas where kudzu is established.   The bigger concern is that this insect will become another nuisance pest. Similar to behavior of brown marmorated stink bugs, kudzu bugs seek secluded sites like the inside of your home as temperatures fall and daylengths shorten in the fall.  They overwinter as adults and emerge in the spring, as temperatures increase,

Control of M. cribraria consists of the following:

Exclusion: place screening over any possible entries into house and ensure that they are tight and well seated, without holes. Be sure to screen soffit, ridge and gable vents. Stuff steel wool into pipe entry points and make sure that all doors are tight fitting.   Kudzu bugs on a window frame. Photo courtesy

Insecticide: The insects congregate on sunny south facing outdoor walls in the fall and insecticide applications can be made to stop this.   Consult with a certified pesticide applicator who has the equipment needed for broadside applications of nuisance insect control products. Repeat applications may be needed but microencapsulated and wettable powder formulations will last longer. Indoor pesticide applications for M. cribraria are not recommended.

Mechanical:  Vacuum and bag insects, gather them and place in hot soapy water, avoid crushing them as long lasting odors and staining of surfaces may result.

Biological:  Encourage natural predators by planting a wide variety of plants.  Assassin bugs are known to feed on M. cribraria, and other native predators may emerge.  Removal of  source plantings like kudzu and wisteria can reduce numbers of bugs in your vicinity.

Further details:

Downloadable 8.5 x 11 pdf poster:
Have You Seen This Bug QR Code Kudzu Bug Poster