This week’s black light trap catches of corn earworm moths and brown marmorated stink bugs remain low. Average nightly corn earworm catches were: Warsaw-0.2, Petersburg-1.1, Southampton-0.4, Suffolk-1.1, Chesapeake-1.0. Nightly BMSB catches were: Warsaw-0.3, Petersburg-0.3, Southampton-zero, Suffolk-zero, Chesapeake-zero. Thanks to Mary Beahm, Mark Kraemer, Chris Drake, Ames Herbert, and Watson Lawrence for their reports this week.
Category Archives: General Comments
No big news to report on the insect pest front
We have finally passed through our roughest thrips pressure weeks, although we are still getting a few questions about Thimet burn in peanuts. Looking back, the consequences of the thrips pressure will vary a lot depending on where you are in the state. The southeastern most cotton areas typically sustained heavier pressure and had more plant damage. The pressure seemed generally less in the western areas. As mentioned earlier, pressure in cotton generally happened earlier and was much greater compared with peanut. Overall, peanuts sustained only light to moderate damage so yields may not be affected.
We are turning the page to start focusing on mid-season pests with a special interest in beginning to scout for kudzu bugs in seedling soybeans. Only a few have been spotted in Virginia. More on that as we progress. We are also expecting this to be a ‘stink bug’ year. Our generally warm wet spring and early summer conditions favor stink bug development. Our first indication that this may be the case is the large numbers of brown stink bugs being combined with wheat harvests. As they leave wheat fields, they will be hunting for other food sources moving through many crops including corn, soybean, cotton, tomatoes, etc., as the summer progresses. We are also gearing up for our brown marmorated stink bug soybean field survey. So far, only a few egg masses and nymphs have been reported from weed hosts. Soybeans will not be very attractive to them until plants start getting into the podding stages. More on that later.
Corn earworm and BMSB black light trap catches for week ending June 14, 2012
Black light trap nightly averages for corn earworm moths were as follows: Chesapeake-0.3, Petersburg-0.3, Southampton-0.1, Suffolk-0.6. For brown marmorated stink bug, nightly averages were: Chesapeake, Southampton, Suffolk, and Virginia Beach-zero, Petersburg-0.3. Thanks to Watson Lawrence, Mark Kraemer, Chris Drake, Helene Doughty, and Ames Herbert’s crew for their reports this week.
Corn earworm and BMSB black light trap catches for week ending June 7, 2012
There were zero corn earworm and brown marmorated stink bugs captured in black light traps this week for Prince George, Petersburg, Southampton, Chesapeake, and Suffolk. Thanks to Scott Reiter, Mark Kraemer, Chris Drake, Watson Lawrence, and Ames Herbert and his crew for this week’s reports. Other black light trap locations will be reporting soon, and we are trying to fix a possible electrical problem with the trap in Warsaw.
Cotton and peanut thrips update
The cotton in our eleven research trials is in the 1st true leaf stage. We are rating these each week for injury (visual ratings) and numbers of adult and immature thrips (soapy water samples, 5 plants per plot). Numbers of immature thrips have more than doubled since last week, from a high of 40 immatures per 5 cotton seedlings last week to a high of 148 per 5 seedlings this week. These high counts are in the untreated plots and by comparison give us a good indication of how well the many treatments we are testing are working. Breaking it down a bit, the 148 count means that each 1st true leaf seeding has about 30 immatures feeding on the small bud. They must be standing in line to feed on the leaf cells. In general, the seedlings are still growing slowly so it is difficult to do accurate visual injury ratings—with only one true leaf to rate, just not enough plant material. So this week, we think the thrips counts give a better picture of how products are working, with the idea that by next week as plants push into the 2nd and 3rd leaf stages, treatment differences in levels of plant injury will begin to express.
Overall, foliar sprays alone (no seed treatment) of several products are providing some decent levels for control of immatures but not at the levels we think are needed to achieve cotton yield potential. We will provide more specific results soon, but one caution, as in the last few years, data show that we should avoid using pyrethroids. The treatments with the fewest number of immatures are the seed treatments followed by a foliar application. Several product combinations are working well. For example, in one trial the numbers of immatures in the better treatments range from 7 or less per 5 seedlings compared with 85 per 5 seedlings in the untreated control.
What are the recommendations? I think, based on the high numbers of immatures we are seeing this week, we may be at or near the peak. This is the best time to make that foliar application to minimize seedling injury. The results of that application will not be visible for 4-5 days, until the next leaf emerges, which should look normal, healthy, not crinkled or worse, blackened.
Peanuts are a different story. Over the last several years we have seen a trend where thrips numbers and injury to seedlings lags behind cotton by a week to 10 days. That is what we are seeing with untreated peanuts only showing the beginnings of the injury, at most a 3.5 on the 0-10 injury rating scale. This is compared to years when the injury can exceed 6 to 8 at the peak. Where cotton should be treated soon, peanut treatments could be delayed until the middle to end of next week.
Tidewater AREC June 5 Tour Reminder and Brochure
Attached is a brochure listing the speakers, topics, and other information for the “Early Summer Row Crops Tour” to be held at the Tidewater AREC Hare Road Research Farm in Suffolk, VA, on June 5, 2012. The tour will start at 9:00 am sharp. All are welcome; there is no preregistration/no fee. If you are a person with a disability and desire any assistive devices, services or other accommodations to participate in this activity, please contact the Tidewater Agricultural Research and Extension Center at 757-657-6450 (TDD number is 800-828-1120) during business hours of 8 am and 4:30 pm to discuss accommodations five days prior to the event. Additional information: brochure-2012-pdf
Virginia Tech Tidewater AREC hosting row crops tour on morning of June 5, 2012
The Virginia Tech Tidewater Agricultural Research and Extension Center will hold an early-summer field crops tour during the morning of Tuesday, June 5, 2012. The tour will be held at the Center’s Research Farm (1045 Hare Road, Suffolk, VA). Specialists (Drs. Maria Balota, Hunter Frame, Ames Herbert, David Holshouser, Pat Phipps, and Wade Thomason) will display field research in progress and will present information for the 2012 crop season. Topics will include nutrient management, pest management, and crop management for cotton, peanut, soybean, wheat, corn, and sorghum. Robert Christian will conclude the tour with a pesticide safety review. We have applied to offer Certified Crop Adviser Continuing Education Credits. Commercial Pesticide Applicator recertification credits (categories 1-A, 1-C, and 10), and Registered Technician (category 60) will be available for participants. All interested in commercial production of field crops are invited to attend. There is no preregistration and no fee for attending this tour. Arrival is at 8:30 am with the program starting promptly at 9:00 am and running through lunch (courtesy of Berry Lewis with Bayer CropScience) at 12:30 pm. More information is available through local Virginia Cooperative Extension offices or by contacting the Tidewater Agricultural Research and Extension Center main office at 757-657-6450. If you are a person with a disability and desire any assistive devices, services or other accommodations to participate in this activity, please contact the Tidewater Agricultural Research and Extension Center at 757-657-6450 (TDD number is 800-828-1120) during business hours of 8 am and 4:30 pm to discuss accommodations five days prior to the event.
Date/Time for Virginia Tech’s Eastern Shore AREC Summer Field Day Set
The annual summer Eastern Shore AREC will be held on July 18th, 2012 at the research station in Painter, VA. Registration will begin at 8:00AM with plot/research tours beginning at 9:00AM. Lunch will follow the tour. We hope to see you there! A more detailed program will be developed at a later date.
Plant Pathology/Disease Facebook Page
Fontelis Fungicide now Labeled for Use in Virginia
Fontelis, a new fungicide from DuPont, is now received state registration and will be available for use on a number of vegetable and field crops in 2012. The label is attached and should you have any specific questions please let us know as we have had tested this material for several years. Thanks, Steve ( Additional information: fontelislabel-pdf