Category Archives: Commodity

New Belay Insecticide label on vegetables

Valent USA announces the new Belay insecticide label on vegetables and other crops. Belay includes the neonicotinoid insecticide clothianidin, which has been used widely in the seed treatment Poncho. Our insecticide research trial results in Virginia have shown Belay to be as effective as other neonicotinoid insecticides for sucking pests and beetles on vegetables. Click More News to download a copy of the new label. Additional information: belaylabel-2010various-crops-pdf

New insecticide option for slug control on corn and soybeans – Lannate LV

In wet years, SLugs can be a serious pest problem on corn and soybeans. It has been many years since there has been any new pesticide registered for their control. Dupont recently announced the new registration of Lannate LV FOR USE ON FIELD CORN AND SOYBEANS FOR THE CONTROL OF SLUGS IN certain states in the U.S. The special label is attached. Click More News. Additional information: lannate-lv-corn-soy-dr1113-pdf

Stink bug pest pressure on corn on the Eastern Shore

Some no-till cornfields on the Eastern Shore are experiencing pest pressure from stink bugs. These insects can impact yield up to 10%. For corn seedlings and early whorl stage before silking, small developing ears (½ – ¾ inches long) can be damaged by stink bug feeding resulting in malformed ear development. Treat corn if 10 percent or more of plants are infested with stink bugs at or shortly
before ear shoots appear (about V15). Do not
treat stink bug infestations once silking has begun.
Most pyrethroid insecticides (such as Karate, Warrior II, Baythroid XL, Hero, Brigade, Prolex, Tombstone, and the generic equivalents, etc..) are effective against stink bugs.

Thrips populations still high but treatments are holding

A quick note after a long day—we just completed our annual Early Season Field Tour where we showed about 75 attendees a lot of our cotton and peanut thrips trials. Thrips populations are large and there are dramatic differences in the amount of plant injury between the treatments (which is why we plan this tour for early June). In each trial we have untreated plots where thrips populations are allowed to develop uncontrolled so we see and assess these ‘worst case scenarios’. That is, how bad would they get and what kind of yield loss would you have if you didn’t treat for them. Each week, for about five weeks after plant emergence, we sample thrips populations (adults and immatures) and do plant injury ratings for each treatment. This gives a good comparison of the different treatments, how well they control the thrips, how long they work and of course, ultimately, how much yield they protect.
In our tests, as of this weeks sample we are counting from 113 to 160 immature thrips per 5 plant sample in cotton (that is 22 to 32 per small seedling), and 62 immatures per 10 peanut leaflets. These are very high numbers. The plant injury in these untreated controls is severe. The cotton plants are being killed, and the peanuts are severely stunted with blackened terminals. But the good news is that even under this extreme thrips pressure, most treatments are holding well. Temik, Aeris and Avicta treatments are doing well in cotton, and Temik and several experimental seed and in-furrow applied insecticide treatments are holding in peanuts. Protected plants are green and vigorous. This field tour offers a good opportunity to really see what thrips are capable of in terms of plant damage, and how the many different insecticide options compare.
With the high thrips numbers we are seeing this week, we can expect at least one more week of extreme pressure. Next week we will assess all the plots again and post an update on how things are shaping up.

June 3 tour reminder

We will be hosting the annual “Early Summer Row Crops and Vegetables Tour: Insects, Diseases, and Agronomics” at the Virginia Tech Tidewater Agricultural Research and Extension Center in Suffolk, VA on Thursday, June 3, 2010. The tour will begin at 9:00 am at the Research Farm (1045 Hare Road) and lunch will be provided, courtesy of Berry Lewis with Bayer CropScience. Pesticide recertification credits will be available for Commercial Applicator Categories 1-A, 1-C, 10, and Registered Technician. Please see the attached brochure for more details. If you are a person with a disability and desire any assistive devices, services or other accommodations to participate in this activity, please contact the Tidewater Agricultural Research and Extension Center at 757-657-6450 (TDD number is 800-828-1120) during business hours of 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. to discuss accommodations five days prior to the event. Additional information: brochure-pdf