Category Archives: Small Grains

Wheat disease update

As the wheat crop approaches flag leaf emergence and heading growth stages, it is time to start thinking about disease management. When conditions are conducive to disease development (e.g. high humidity, warm temperatures) foliar fungicide applications may be necessary to protect wheat yield and quality.

Wheat diseases observed in Virginia so far in 2015 have included viruses (which cannot be managed with fungicides), powdery mildew, and leaf blotch. Disease severity thus far has been relatively low in most areas but an increase in disease can be expected with warm, humid weather. Leaf blotch, for example, has been observed on the lower leaves where it is unlikely to impact yield, but once the flag leaf emerges, this leaf surface, which feeds the developing grain, should be protected from disease if symptoms are observed on the lower leaves and conditions are conducive to disease development. Once heading and flowering occur, the developing grain need to be protected from infection by the Fusarium head blight (scab) fungus if scab risk is high. Factors contributing to scab development and proper timing of fungicides for scab management will be discussed in a later post.


Each year plant pathologists from throughout the U.S. update the following wheat fungicide efficacy table based on the most current data. Efficacy ratings for each fungicide listed in the table were determined by field testing the materials over multiple years and locations. Efficacy is based on proper application timing to achieve optimum effectiveness of the fungicide as determined by labeled instructions and overall level of disease in the field at the time of application. Judicious use of an appropriate fungicide for the target disease can protect both yield and quality of the wheat crop.


Scab advisory

Some parts of Virginia have entered a moderate risk of scab, and a few localized areas have a severe risk (check your area using the Scab Risk Assessment Tool at This is the result of increased humidity, and the forecasted rain may increase infections of flowering heads by the scab fungus. The following recommendations were made on the Head Scab Prediction Center Website ( by Nathan Kleczewski from the University of Deleware:

“Fields entering flowering are at the highest risk for scab. The best fungicides for scab are Prosaro, Caramba, and Proline. Do not apply products containing a strobilurin (e.g. Aproach Prima, Quilt, Stratego, Headline, Quadris, etc) as strobilurins have been associated with elevated DON levels when applied to the head and scab occurs. There is a 5-6 day window after the majority of a field is flowering and conducive weather occurs to make a fungicide application and maximize efficacy. Ground rigs should have nozzles angled at least 15 degrees in the forward direction and apply at least 10 gallons per acre, with 15-20 being optimal. Aerial applicators should apply at 5 gallons per acre. Shoot for 300 to 350 micron droplet size. Prosaro, Caramba, and Proline will control foliar diseases.””

These same recommendations apply to Virginia.

Foliar diseases of wheat also have the potential to increase at this time. Several fungicides have good to excellent efficacy in control of multiple diseases. Remember to avoid strobilurin containing fungicides for the reasons described above.

The attached document gives information on wheat growth stages, scouting for diseases, and fungicide efficacy for control of various wheat diseases.

If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact me.

Hillary L. Mehl, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Plant Pathology
Virginia Tech Tidewater AREC
6321 Holland Road
Suffolk, VA 23437
Telephone: (757) 657-6450, ext. 423

Additional information: wheat-disease-update-2014-pdf

Head scab advisory

If your wheat is flowering, it may be at risk for head scab (Fusarium head blight, FHB). FHB is caused primarily by the fungus Fusarium graminearum. Infection of wheat heads with this fungus can result in significant yield loss and contamination of the grain with deoxynivalenol (DON or vomitoxin). Risk of FHB can be determined using the Fusarium Risk Assessment Tool ( As of today (May 5) many areas in eastern and central Virginia have a moderate FHB risk; portions of the Eastern Shore (Accomack County) have a high risk. Early flowering is the best timing for fungicide applications. Prosaro, Proline, and Caramba are the most effective products to reduce FHB and DON. If a strobilurin is applied at or after heading, and IF scab infections occur, DON levels are likely to be elevated compared to a triazole or even an unsprayed check. Information on FHB can be found in the Virginia Tech Extension publication “Managing Fusarium Head Blight in Virginia Small Grains” ( Additional information: fhb-virginia-tech-pdf

2011 Virginia Small Grains Field Day – May 19, 2011

The 2011 Virginia Small Grains Field Day will be held 8AM – 2PM on May 19, 2011 in Spring Grove, VA (Prince George County). A number of demonstrations and speakers have been arranged for this event. Topics will include: variety selection, disease control, insecticidal seed treatments, growth regulators, cover crops and fertilization regimes. Please visit the following website for more information on the location, agenda, and potential sponsorship opportunities: