Please see Bayer’s new 2ee label for a Previcur Flex/Admire Pro Tank Mix at Transplanting for several vegetable crops. Additional information: admire-pro-previcur-flex-tankmix-pdf
Category Archives: Disease
Revus now labeled for potato ad tomato in Virginia
Due to the recent outbreak of late blight and a shortage of Revus Top, Syngenta has been approved for the attached supplemental label for Revus on potatoes and tomatoes for late blight. Additional information: 100-1254-revus-supplementallabel-pdf
Cucurbit Downy Mildew Update
Cucurbit downy mildew continues to be discovered in new locations in the SE part of the state. This week we found the disease on cucumbers near Petersburg, VA and also in southern Northampton County on the Eastern Shore. Please continue to monitor cucurbi fields for this disease. Grower particularly those in the SE part of the state are urged to include Ranman, Presidio or Previcur Flex in their spray programs.
Virginia Potato Disease Advisory for June 24
Please see attached Potato Disease Advisory Additional information: vpdajune24-doc
Cucurbit Downy Mildew found in Virginia
Cucurbit downy mildew has been found in Virginia, see the attached reprt for more information. Additional information: cdownymildewupdate062009-doc
Virginia Potato Disease Advisory – June 19
Attached is the Virginia Potato Disease Advisory for this week. Additional information: vpdajune17-doc
Virginia Potato Disease Advisory for June 10
Attached is the lastest update on late blight and the latest Virginia Potato Disease Advisory. Additional information: vpdajune10-doc
Potato Late Blight Found on Eastern Shore
Potato late blight was found infecting a 30 acre potato field on the Eastern Shore today. The field is located just north of the state line near Pocomoke City, Maryland. Potato and tomato growers on the Eastern Shore are advised to include late blight specific fungicides in their spray regimes. If you suspect late blight in your crop or have any questions, please contact us.
Cucurbit Downy Mildew Found in North Carolina
Please see the attachment regarding the discovery of cucurbit downy mildew in North Carolina. Thanks Additional information: cdownymildewupdate060509-doc
VPDA for June 3rd – Late blight found on the Eastern Shore of Virginia
Please see the attached, the latest version of the Virginia Potato Disease Advisory Additional information: vpdajune3-doc