Category Archives: Pest Group

Handy Bt Trait Table: Midwest corn hybrids

This came across my desk the other day, and I hope you find it as useful as I have. The “Handy Bt Trait Table”, by Chris DiFonzo, Michigan State University, and Eileen Cullen, University of Wisconsin, has a great summary table for MidWest hybrids. The table lists the traits currently available (last updated Feb. 2011), insects controlled, and refuge size per trait. The table does not address refuge information for corn planted in cotton designated counties. That information can be obtained by checking with your supplier and/or reviewing the product use guide. Additional information: cornbttraittable-difonzo-and-cullen-2011-pdf

Brown marmorated stink bug black light trap catches for the week ending July 21, 2011

Brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) black light trap catches for this week totaled 33 in Studley/Mechanicsville, 65 in Petersburg, 2 in Warsaw, 2 in Painter, and 59 in Virginia Beach. No BMSB were caught in Southampton, Prince George, or Suffolk black light traps. Please click “More” for the data table. Additional information: bmsb-blacklight-table-11-pdf

Corn earworm moth trap captures for the week ending July 21, 2011

Corn earworm moth black light trap catches remain low, with a range of 0.1 to 3.6 per night. Please click “More” to see the black light data table. In 2010, trap catch numbers began their upward climb during the last week of July. Also, Helene Doughty reported that pheromone traps in Pungo captured a weekly total of 2 corn earworm moths at the Baker farm (the Henley farm trap was damaged). Eleven corn earworm moths were captured in the Hampton Roads AREC pheromone trap in Virginia Beach, and 9 were caught in the Eastern Shore AREC pheromone trap last week. Additional information: blacklight-table-11-pdf

Heavy corn earworm activity in the Northern Neck of Virginia and summary of insecticide work in sweet corn

Based on pheromone moth traps monitored by Rafe Parker from Parker Farms, Oak Grove, Va, corn earworm moth activity has picked up significantly in the Northern Neck Region of Virginia. Counts jumped from less than 10 for past 2 weeks to about 100 moths this week. these moths will be flying to sweet corn, soybeans, cotton, green beans, and tomatoes among other crops. Be on the lookout for the eggs and small larvae of this pest, or begin the preventative spray programs. There are a wide range of effective insecticides for this pest. Sweet corn is probably the most difficult crop to achieve effective control of corn earworm because very few insecticides kill the eggs, eggs develop and hatch quickly in the summer heat, and larvae move down the silks and into ears where they are protected. Click More to view a summary of recent insecticide trials performed on sweet corn in Eastern Virginia.

Additional information: kuharsweetcorn-ipm-handout-2010-doc

Admire Pro label replaces Provado

Bayer CropScience is consolidating the insecticide labels for Provado and Admire-Pro into one. The company is phasing out Provado and will only be offering Admire-Pro in the future. Click more news to find a Provado to Admire-Pro conversion table and the new Admire-Pro label.

Please contact Dr. Matt Mahoney if you have questions.

Matthew J. Mahoney, Ph.D.
Field Development & Market Support
Bayer CropScience
(410) 822-5215 Office
(410) 829-3147 Cell

Additional information: provado-to-admire-pro-conversion-table-all-crops-pdf

Brown marmorated stink bug black light trap catches for the week ending July 14, 2011

Brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) black light trap catches for this week totaled 28 in Petersburg and 2 in Warsaw. No BMSB were caught in Chesapeake, Southampton, Prince George, or Suffolk black light traps. Thanks to trap operators Mark Kraemer, Mary Beahm, Watson Lawrence, Neil Clark, Scott Reiter, and the entomology crew from Suffolk for their reports. Please click “More” for the data table. Additional information: bmsb-blacklight-table-11-pdf

Corn earworm moth black light trap captures for the week ending July 14, 2011

Corn earworm moth black light trap catches were moderately low, with a range of 0.3 to 6 per night. Please click “More” to see the black light data table. The following are acknowledged for this week’s reports: Watson Lawrence (Chesapeake), Mark Kraemer (Petersburg), Mary Beahm (Warsaw), Scott Reiter (Prince George), Neil Clark (Southampton), and the entomology crew in Suffolk. Additional information: blacklight-table-11-pdf