Results of the 2012 corn earworm survey

With the help of many Virginia Cooperative Extension Agents, Virginia Tech faculty and staff, and volunteers, Dr. Herbert has completed his annual corn earworm survey of field corn. This survey is a good indicator of upcoming moth pressure in other crops such as soybean, cotton, and peanut. The full report is contained in the attached pdf document. Additional information: cew-survey-table12-pdf

Invitation to the 2012 Pre-harvest Field Crops Tour at the Virginia Tech Tidewater AREC

The Virginia Tech Tidewater Agricultural Research and Extension Center will hold its annual pre-harvest field crops tour on Thursday, September 20, 2012. Registration begins at 7:30 am at the Research Farm (1045 Hare Road, Suffolk, VA). PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED–please see the attached flyer for more details. A lunch will follow the pre-harvest field crops tour. Also, please see on the flyer that Drs. Phipps and Balota will hold additional tours that afternoon. If you are a person with a disability and desire any assistive devices, services or other accommodations to participate in this activity, please contact the Tidewater Agricultural Research and Extension Center at 757-657-6450 (TDD number is 800-828-1120) during business hours of 8 am and 4:30 pm to discuss accommodations five days prior to the event. Additional information: 2012-tarec-fall-tour-notice-pdf

Bollworm eggs are in cotton fields—what is the best approach for treatments?

In cotton, we are beginning to find corn earworm (=bollworm) eggs in fields. This fits what we would expect given the increase in moth activity. This is a little earlier than normal. Over the past several years, we have seen egg lay start during the first week of August. I suggest that any sprays from this time forward should be directed to bollworm and stink bug. In the past, we have been able to get good control of bollworms in BG2 or Widestrike cotton varieties with a single application of a pyrethroid at the highest labeled rate for that product. Pyrethroids are also picking up most of any stink bugs that could be present. We time the application to coincide with what used to be the second spray in the old (pre-BG cotton days) egg threshold two-spray system (first app at egg threshold, the second in 5-7 days). A treatment 5-7 days after the old egg threshold is designed to target any worms that have escaped the Bt toxins, but would still be small enough to kill with the pyrethroids before doing any significant boll damage. Up until now (at least based on data up to 2011), the single high rate pyrethroid treatment has remained effective in cotton because (in my opinion), if timed correctly they are directed to a small number of small larvae—easier to kill and fewer to kill. We have field trials in place to continue monitoring this.

Corn earworm pyrethroid vial test is showing very high survivorship

percentages—implications for treatments in soybean
At the time of this report, we have tested 109 corn earworm moths this week. These moths represent the ‘front edge’ of the large second generation flight from corn. The results are not good. The first batch of 49 moths had 49% survivorship and the second batch of 60 moths had 53% survivorship. We have another 150 moths in vials to be assessed tomorrow (Friday). What does this mean? This confirms what I thought we might see based on previous year’s patterns—with survivorship percentages peaking in late July/early August. If corn earworm flights are heavy and large worm infestations set up in soybean fields, non-pyrethroids will need to be tank-mixed with pyrethroids (which are still recommended to control whatever stink bugs may be present). We have had success with several pyrethroid tank mix options including with Belt, Steward, and Orthene. I was asked about Lannate. Lannate is an effective product against corn earworm but I have not tested whether it will tank mix with a pyrethroid. If you choose this option, you should jar-test the mix before loading your spray tank. Also, although effective, Lannate has a very short residual activity period—24 hours, unless it rains. If the worm infestations do not develop to high levels, the pyrethroids will probably still do a decent job—apply them only at the highest labeled rate.

Beet armyworms are hitting soybeans in huge numbers

Below is an advisory provided by Bill Shockley, Virginia Coop. Extension Ag Agent in Northampton County (southern most county on the Del-Mar-Va Peninsula). This is a traditional vegetable and potato growing county so insect pests are often different from what we find on the ‘mainland’. But Bill’s comments are insightful. And, we also have reports of some beet armyworm infestations in Virginia Beach soybean fields

From Bill Shockley: We are finding a large number of beet armyworms in young soybeans in Northampton County, Virginia. They are especially prevalent in soybean fields planted double crop after potatoes, string beans and other spring planted vegetable crops. These insects are foliage feeders and will severely damage leaves and stems of young soybean, lima bean and string beans plants. Traditional spray applications of pyrethroid insecticides have been generally ineffective in the past for controlling these pests. Labeled applications of Steward, Belt or Lannate have provided the only significant control of these insects.

We are also beginning to find generally low numbers of corn earworms in soybeans in some areas. As soybeans begin to blossom, and pod formation begins, these insects will become more of an economic problem in this crop.

It is vitally important to begin scouting for these insects at this time. The timing of chemical control applications for these pests is very important to assure maximum control and limit unnecessary production costs.

Peanut rootworm update from Rick Brandenburg at NCSU

See below a note from Dr Rick Brandenburg at NCSU regarding southern corn rootworm in peanut. In general, Virginia has had less rainfall than what Rick is reporting from NC so our risk to rootworms is less, but his insigts are helpful.

From Rick Brandenburg, NCSU: The past week, I’ve received a lot of calls on a lot of different topics, but the most common question focused on southern corn rootworm. Many of the others were on worms in peanuts. The typical question, which was a very good one, focused on whether peanuts were at greater risk from rootworms this year due to the wet weather we’ve had recently and the fact that some of our peanuts are a little late. This is not information that shows up directly in the rootworm advisory, but the questions you ask show a great understanding of the index and the factors that affect rootworms.
Yes, the above normal rainfall is making rootworms more of a threat and even lighter, sandier soils could support rootworms with this kind of weather. So if you have a marginal field, the rains have probably moved the risk up a notch. We’ve got a lot of good looking peanuts out there and some of them are late. This lateness makes them at more risk from rootworms as well as the larvae prefer to attack the smaller, more immature pods. The word that I’ve been passing along is that if you have a good crop, the fields have been and remain on the wet side, and/or the crop is a little late, then the risk is higher than the index rating you will have. How much higher is a guess, but it is higher this year. Given the fact that the threat from spider mites seems minimal right now and that we’ve had quite a few leafhoppers out there, the use of Lorsban (chlorpyrifos) or a generic seems like a pretty good idea in many fields. Since it is about August 1, growers could consider going with a half rate.
Rootworm treatments are a bit of a guessing game each year, but the wet weather makes it a bit less, but no guarantees. I would hate to see some of these good peanuts we’ve got out there get dug this fall and have a lot of damage. That’s my personal judgment.

Spider mite update from Joanne Whalen at Univ of Delaware

We are getting a few calls about spider mites in soybean. Following is an update from Dr. Joanne Whalen at University of Delaware that covers management and control. This is a very well done summary that addresses a lot of the issues regarding product choices, their strengths and weaknesses and other very valuable information.

Dr. Whalen: With the extended drought conditions in our area, we continue to find significant populations of spider mites in both full season and double crop fields as well as in irrigated fields. In most cases infestations are field wide so edge treatments will not be effective. As we learned in past years, drought will seriously stress plant growth, favor mite development and create plant growth conditions that make it difficult to achieve effective control. Early detection, rotation among available control options and multiple applications are often needed under drought stress conditions. Under high population pressure, a single treatment is often not adequate to kill all the life stages. Mite eggs will not be affected by the initial knockdown/control of adults and nymphs and thus hatch after a few days. The only available materials for spider mite management in soybeans in Delaware are dimethoate, Lorsban (as well as generic chlorpyrifos products), bifenthrin (numerous generics available) and Hero. (Be sure to read all labels before spraying for restrictions and rates). Unfortunately, we do not have a selective miticide labeled for soybeans like we do in vegetable and fruit crops. The following is a summary of what we have seen so far this season as well as a summary of results from past seasons.

Hero and bifenthrin Products – A number of products containing the active ingredient bifenthrin are available for spider mite management in soybeans . Some examples include Brigade, Bifenture, Frenzy and Sniper. In addition, Hero, a combination product including both bifenthrin and zeta-cypermethrin (two pyrethroids) is also available. In many cases, these materials have provided good initial control but a second treatment has been needed, especially if populations were exploded at the time of treatment and numerous mite eggs were present. Early detection and control is needed as with all of the materials available for mite management in soybeans. In addition, most of the labels for products containing bifenthrin state “: “do not make applications less than 30 days apart or do not apply more than once every 30 days“. Therefore, you will need to rotate to a material with a different mode of action if a second application is needed.
Dimethoate – In past years, dimethoate has not provided effective spider mite management under drought stress conditions. However, this year we have received reports of fairly good control in some situations but it should be noted that rain was received in those areas. Although dimethoate is the only systemic material available for spider mite management in soybeans it must be absorbed and translocated by the leaf tissues to provide residual action; otherwise, it undergoes rapid photodecomposition from sunlight. This leaf absorption process is greatly reduced in drought-stressed plants that have “shut-down” physiologically. Another important factor that plays a role in the performance of dimethoate is the pH of the water used as the carrier. Many pesticides, especially dimethoate, are subject to breakdown by alkaline hydrolysis. ( In alkaline water (high pH), there is a break in certain bonds in the dimethoate molecule, causing two or more new molecules to form. This increases the decomposition rate of the insecticide and can result in poorer than expected field performance. Dimethoate degradation is also accelerated by the mineral content of the water, especially the presence of iron. If a high pH situation exists, you can lower the alkalinity of the water in the spray tank by adding an acid-based buffer. An important consideration is to select a buffering product that lowers the pH to the acid range without causing phytotoxicity. Also, the buffer must be added to the spray tank first, before the addition of dimethoate.
Note – the dimethoate label states it has a “ 7 day reapplication interval. “
Lorsban (chlorpyrifos)- We have seen good initial control of mites with Lorsban and other generic chlorpyrifos products this season. A second application with another material has been needed especially if populations were exploded at the time of treatment and numerous mite eggs were present. Lorsban ( and other generic chlorpyrifos products) can provide good contact control of motile mites when applied in enough water to get good coverage. Since Lorsban is not a systemic product, a second spray of non-chlorpyrifos product may be needed in 5 to 7 days to kill newly hatched mites. The Lorsban label states that: (1) When large numbers of eggs are present, scout the treated area in 3-5 days and if newly hatched nymphs are present, make a follow up application with a non-chlorpyrifos product and (2) do not make a second application of Lorsban 4E or other product containing chlorpyrifos within 14 days of the first application. So before applying any material, be sure to read the label for rates as well as all restrictions including but not limited to the total number of applications allowed, rotation between materials, minimum number of days required between applications as well as the pre-harvest interval between last application and harvest. Spider mite management is never easy under drought stress conditions. Early detection and multiple applications of materials with different modes of action are often needed to reducing losses from this pest in soybeans. As a reminder, under heavy mite pressure and extended hot, dry weather, it often takes an extended period of free moisture on leaves, high humidity during the day and cool evening temperatures to get an increase in the fungal pathogens that can significantly reduce exploded mite populations.

Update on soybean insect pests: kudzu bug, brown marmorated stink bug, and corn earworm

We have found kudzu bugs, adults only, in three new counties, Pittsylvania and Henry Counties (in kudzu only) and Dinwiddie County (in soybean). These adults are the second generation. Adults are active and can fly long distances. The first generation developed to the south of us in either soybean or kudzu. We can expect more fields to become infested over the next several weeks and there is no way to predict for sure where these will be. I think most of our soybean acreage in Virginia could be at risk. The best way to sample for kudzu bugs is with the standard 15-inch diameter sweep net. Sweep the edges of fields first as they typically start there. Also, they seem to have a preference for beans that are flowering. If you find adults, don’t panic. The thresholds developed in the southeast are based on the capture of nymphs—an average of 1 nymph per sweep—so 15 nymphs in our recommended 15 sweep sample. Adults invade fields, lay eggs, and the nymphs hatch to begin feeding. So by waiting to make a treatment until nymphs are present means the insecticide will have the best chance of killing all stages and lasting—hopefully a single application. Spraying when adults, only, are present will most likely result in having to make a second application. Begin sweeping field edges, especially fields with flowering plants—and please report any catches to us so we can keep track of the occurrence and spread.

Brown marmorated stink bugs are slow to develop this year. I think this could be related to the extreme heat—they just don’t seem to like hot weather (don’t quote me on that). But we are not waiting. We started our survey program this week and a scout reported finding a few on the edges of one or two fields in Orange County, one of the areas that was hit hard last summer. We are going to increase our survey effort over the next few weeks and post all findings on this advisory.

Our field corn survey is not completed, but so far, most counties that have reported are indicating pretty high percentages of infested ears (50-60 percent in the southeastern counties). If conditions stay dry, we may have a pretty heavy flight into soybean fields. Adult moth trap catches are down this week—the quiet before the storm. We had a small flight earlier which resulted in a few worms in whorl-stage sorghum and an occasional worm in cotton and soybean fields, but this next flight from corn will be the big one. Because corn fields are variable in condition and maturity, the moth flight will most likely be sporadic and localized—heavy in some areas, lighter in others. The only way to determine if fields are infested worms is to scout them, especially once pods start forming. We will post weekly updates as more information comes in.

Update on cotton stink bugs

Most of our cotton is about 10 days to 2 weeks in to the blooming period. This is the perfect time to begin scouting for stink bug damaged bolls. We just completed 5 cotton field scouting clinics across our cotton region and it was not hard to find stink bug damaged bolls, and a couple of fields had high levels—30-40 percent internal stink bug damage. By the 3rd week of bloom, the threshold drops to 10 percent new damage and remains at 10 percent through the 5th week of bloom. These next three weeks (3rd, 4th and 5th weeks of blooming) are the most import time to scout and treat, if needed, cotton for stink bugs. Use the new cotton stink bug scouting card which provides the thresholds, scouting procedures and a template for determining the proper size of the bolls that should be used to make any treatment decision. If you don’t have one, contact your local Virginia Cooperative Extension Ag Agent—we will see that you get one.

Brown marmorated stink bug black light trap captures for week ending July 19, 2012

We had a high BMSB report from Petersburg this week, capturing nearly 20 BMSB per night in their black light trap. This trap is in a prime location for detecting brown marmorated stink bug, being within 100 feet from woods with tree of heaven at the edge, and next to an organic area with lots of weeds. Other reporting stations had zero to 2.5 BMSB per night. Please see the acknowledgments in my corn earworm moth trap report, they also apply to the BMSB reports; and please see the attached table for more trap catch details. Additional information: bmsb-blacklight-table-12-pdf