New miticide Kanemite labeled for vegetables

Vegetable growers now have another new miticide to combat spider mites and other pest mites. Kanemite, Arysta LifeScience’s premium miticide now has fruiting vegetables (tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, etc.) and edible podded beans also. Kanemite is labeled on grapes, pome fruit, and strawberries. It controls all life stages of the labeled mites, and it has a short PHI and REI. Kanemite is easy on beneficial species as well. I’ve attached a current specimen label for your update and information. For more information please contact:

Frank Donohue
Northeast Territory Manager
Arysta LifeScience Company
Additional information: kanemite-label-2011-2-pdf

Date set for Virginia Tech – Eastern Shore AREC’s Annual Field Day

The Eastern Shore AREC will host its annual field day at their facility in Painter, VA on June 28, 2011. Registration will begin at 8:00 AM with the tour beginning at 9:00 AM. A lunch will be provided at the end of the tour (~12:00 PM). A more specific agenda will be developed soon, but, the tour will include stops on weed management, soil fertility, insect management, water quality, and disease management for vegetable and field crops. Please mark this date on your calendar and we hope that you can join us.

2011 Virginia Small Grains Field Day – May 19, 2011

The 2011 Virginia Small Grains Field Day will be held 8AM – 2PM on May 19, 2011 in Spring Grove, VA (Prince George County). A number of demonstrations and speakers have been arranged for this event. Topics will include: variety selection, disease control, insecticidal seed treatments, growth regulators, cover crops and fertilization regimes. Please visit the following website for more information on the location, agenda, and potential sponsorship opportunities:

Cucurbit Downy Mildew found on transplants in South Carolina

Cucurbit downy mildew was found this past week on Florida grown transplants (squash and zucchini) at a Home Depot in Charleston, SC. Once discovered, the transplants were destroyed, but, several may have been sold prior to discovery. The transplants originated from Pure Beauty Farms in Miami, FL (where cucurbit downy mildew is currently active). Growers and home owners should thoroughly inspect transplants prior to purchasing. We will continue to monitor the situation in SC to see if in-field development of downy mildew occurs. Let us know if you have any questions.