Category Archives: Commodity

Update on cotton stink bugs

Most of our cotton is about 10 days to 2 weeks in to the blooming period. This is the perfect time to begin scouting for stink bug damaged bolls. We just completed 5 cotton field scouting clinics across our cotton region and it was not hard to find stink bug damaged bolls, and a couple of fields had high levels—30-40 percent internal stink bug damage. By the 3rd week of bloom, the threshold drops to 10 percent new damage and remains at 10 percent through the 5th week of bloom. These next three weeks (3rd, 4th and 5th weeks of blooming) are the most import time to scout and treat, if needed, cotton for stink bugs. Use the new cotton stink bug scouting card which provides the thresholds, scouting procedures and a template for determining the proper size of the bolls that should be used to make any treatment decision. If you don’t have one, contact your local Virginia Cooperative Extension Ag Agent—we will see that you get one.

Brown marmorated stink bug black light trap captures for week ending July 19, 2012

We had a high BMSB report from Petersburg this week, capturing nearly 20 BMSB per night in their black light trap. This trap is in a prime location for detecting brown marmorated stink bug, being within 100 feet from woods with tree of heaven at the edge, and next to an organic area with lots of weeds. Other reporting stations had zero to 2.5 BMSB per night. Please see the acknowledgments in my corn earworm moth trap report, they also apply to the BMSB reports; and please see the attached table for more trap catch details. Additional information: bmsb-blacklight-table-12-pdf

Corn earworm moth black light trap captures for week ending July 19, 2012

Corn earworm moth catches were generally low this week, ranging from zero to 6.5 moths per night in area black light traps. Please see the attached table for more details. Thanks to the following for their reports: Laura Maxey (King William), Helene Doughty (Virginia Beach/Hampton Roads AREC), Roy Flanagan (Virginia Beach/West Neck), Mary Beahm (Warsaw/Eastern Virginia AREC), Mark Kraemer (Petersburg), Ames Herbert and crew (Suffolk/Tidewater AREC), Chris Drake (Southampton), and Keith Balderson (Essex). Additional information: blacklight-table-12-pdf

Brown marmorated stink bug black light trap captures for week ending July 12, 2012

Brown marmorated stink bug captures per night in area black light traps were as follows: Warsaw-0.4, Chesapeake-zero, Prince George (Templeton)-0.3, Prince George (Disputanta)-zero, Suffolk-zero, Sussex-zero, Petersburg-2.0, Southampton-zero, New Kent-zero. Thanks to Mary Beahm, Watson Lawrence, Scott Reiter, Ames Herbert, Kelvin Wells, Mark Kraemer, Chris Drake, and John Allison for their reports this week.

Corn earworm moth black light trap catches for week ending July 12, 2012

Corn earworm moth captures ranged from 0.1 to 23 per night in area black light traps. Most reporting locations were on the low side, however. Please see the attached file for more details. Thanks to Mary Beahm, Watson Lawrence, Scott Reiter, Ames Herbert, Kelvin Wells, Mark Kraemer, Chris Drake, and John Allison for their reports. Additional information: blacklight-table-12-pdf

Vegetable Disease Update

It has been a busy week for vegetable diseases in the Commonwealth. Late blight was confirmed by the VT Plant Disease Clinic (Elizabeth Bush and Mary Ann Hansen) in Floyd Co., VA on both potato and tomato. This is the first report of late blight in the western part of the state. In addition, downy mildew was found on cucumber in both Accomack and Northampton Co. Reports from NC indicate strains that are starting to infect pumpkin and other cucurbits. ALL cucurbit growers should be diligent about scouting and take preventative measures. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding these developments.

Corn earworm (CEW) pyrethroid AVT update

We have tested another 166 moths since last week’s report and are seeing some improvement, maybe. This recent batch showed a drop to only 17.4 percent surviving the AVT challenge, making a 28.2 percent average survivorship for the seasonal 538 total tested—down a bit from the 31.2 percent survivorship reported last week. Before giving a sigh of relief, study the data from last season (see the attached line graph) and you will see an almost identical pattern with the same slight drop in early June of 2011 followed by a peak exceeding 50 percent survivorship. Stay tuned for more updates. We are also finding what appears to be a high percent of sweet corn ears infested (we pulled a bunch this week at the research center for our respective family 4th of July cookouts). We will be initiating our annual field corn survey soon which gives us the best idea of the size of the CEW population we will be dealing with.
Additional information: cew-cypermethrin-va-july-5-2012-pptx

Corn earworm and BMSB black light trap catches for week ending July 5, 2012

The mean nightly number of corn earworm moths captured in area black light traps was low this week: King William-0.4, Warsaw-0.3, Petersburg-0.4, Prince George (Templeton)-0.4, Prince George (Disputanta)-0.3, Southampton-0.9, Suffolk-4.4. The mean nightly brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) catch was: King William-0.1, Warsaw-0.3, Petersburg-0.9, Prince George (Templeton and Disputanta)-zero, Southampton-zero, Suffolk-zero. Thanks to Laura Maxey, Mary Beahm, Mark Kraemer, Scott Reiter, Chris Drake, and Ames Herbert for their reports this week.

Virginia Cotton Insect Scouting Schools—2012

Virginia Cooperative Extension Agents are hosting five Cotton Insect Scouting Schools this month. Ames Herbert and Jack Bacheler from NCSU (Windsor, VA meeting, only) will be presenting cotton and soybean insect pest status updates, management recommendations, and demonstrate scouting techniques. Contact the locale Agent for details.

July 16—10 am, Wakefield, VA, ET Drewery Farm (contact Kelvin Wells, VCE Agent, Sussex Co.,VA

July 17—9 am, Ivor, VA, CPS Office (contact Chris Drake, VCE Agent, Southampton Co., VA

July 18—5 pm, Windsor, VA, Dairy Queen parking lot (contact Janet Spencer, VCE Agent, Isle of Wight Co., VA

July 19—10 am, Dinwiddie County, Lance and Randy Everett Farm (contact Mike Parrish, VCE Agent, Dinwiddie Co., VA

July 19—6 pm, Newsoms, VA, Meherrin Office (contact Chris Drake)

Vegetable Field Day at Virginia State University July 18th

Dear Friend of Virginia Agriculture:

Attached is the flyer and the registration form for the 9th Annual Commercial Berry and Vegetable Field Day at Virginia State University that will take place on Wednesday, July 18, 2012 from 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. There is a no charge to attend.

If you are not able to participate in this event, please share this email with other growers who may be interested in attending this field day.

For registration please visit:

OR mail the attached registration form to the address specified with a check or money order for the registration fee.

Please email Mark Klingman at if you would like more information.

Thank you for helping us to promote this event.

Reza Rafie
Virginia State University Additional information: vsu-flyer—vegetable-field-day-2012-pdf